Editor’s Choice
We are mature
When we can laugh out loud
Revisiting, remembering and sharing
With our relatives and friends
Our inane childhood follies and foibles.
We are mature
When we can gleefully admit
Recalling our early younger days
Without any shame or guilt attached
Our teenage bizarre fancies and fantasies.
We are mature
When we are willing to be true
To self, our people and surroundings
With no stigma or strings attached
In our day-to-day dealings and interactions.
We are mature
When we are naïve and ready
With grace to forgive and forget
People who ever met and caused
Us grave hurt and pain at a stage in life.
We are mature
When we are so conditioned
As to be equanimous enough
To effectively dismiss our past
Stop brooding over the future, and
To live with the present in content and bliss.
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