Poem Patience Leo Tolstoy said once:The two most powerfulWarriors are patience and time Chess, so engrossing gameI have a life long experiencePatience and timing of a moveYou lose one and you lose game So it’s wise to havePatience with all things aroundBut first of all have it for own selfAnd time will lead you the road to […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh June 27, 2022November 18, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Article India: Agnipath Lathpath by Fire & Smoke While it is yet to be convincingly established if they are prospective and potential Agniveers or the diabolical agents of the same disruptive forces operating within the country and from outside which have habitually made it a routine practice to vehemently oppose every new initiative and scheme undertaken by the Indian government under the leadership […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh June 19, 2022November 18, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Article Is India Capable of Handling Current Gulf Storm? After watching Nupur Sharma’s effigy hanging on wires above a road in Karnataka while the life below goes on as usual, it’s difficult to believe that we are living in a civilized world of 21st century. The recent worldwide outrage in the Islamic countries with the tacit support of India’s own opposition politicians and secularists […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh June 12, 2022November 18, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Reconciliation Apart from what all people doTo cop up with their unpleasantExperiences and failures in lifeThere is a way to reconcile with it… What was meant in life for youWill come back to you in any caseAnd what is left behind in journeyWas actually never meant for you. 20,318 total views, 2 views today Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh June 6, 2022November 18, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Uncategorized Garden Images of An Avid Plant Lover With the rising awareness globally about the need of preserving and enriching the environment including the plant and animal life, one would find many enthusiastic people working these days with a genuine concern and care about these aspects. Dr Sarala Waghray is one such accomplished person who has immense zeal, commitment and dedication towards maintaining […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh June 5, 2022November 18, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Blog Philosophy and Science of Kumbhaka The life of every living entity, be it human beings or any other animals, begins with the breath at birth and ends with the breath at death. Thus the breath is synonymous with life without which the life ceases to exist. Apparently, this is the reason why the ancient Indian sages and scholars had concluded […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh June 5, 2022September 3, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Article Hindu, Hinduism and Hindustan: Part LXXI Pranayama Continued from Part LXX In the Part VIII of this series, Pranayama has been briefly mentioned as an important component or limb of the eight limbs representing the ancient yogic practices as described in Sage Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra. Although all the components are interlinked in ascending order and considered vital for the physical, mental […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh June 4, 2022November 18, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Fireflies of Memories A bit tiny yet marvellousShimmering white paniclesOf the Rajnigandha blooms…Their candidly sweet fragranceReminds few golden momentsThen my heart over againTurns distraught and restlessYearning those bygone days… During a span of timeLife was so fragrant withThe divine Rajnigandha touchSome sweet Rajnigandha feelingsAnd adorable Rajnigandha momentsInstead more apt to say…Rajnigandha memories and dreams. Like the fireflies glow […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 13, 2025January 13, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
शिशिर स्पंदन घर के बाहर लान कीहरी-भरी मखमली घास परचमकीली गुनगुनी धूप मेंपसंदीदा आरामकुर्सी परदोनों आँखें बंद, चंचल मनकिसी की मधुर यादों में खोयावह चिंतन में तल्लीन है… शिशिर ऋतु के मौसम मेंसाल के इस सबसे ठंडे दिनजीवन के इस पड़ाव परकाश इस नर्म गुनगुनी धूप सेइतर ये दिन और ज्यादासुखद, सेहतमंद एवं सुंदरललित और मनभावन होते..! […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 11, 2025January 11, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Ageless Friendship Editor’s Choice Now that the life is going downhillWe don’t know when it might endIn fact, every soul has to go in a spanWho knows when the curtain is drawnAfter all the temporal life’s so ephemeral.When the eternity remains so uncertainShould we not reunite for now againTo become friends we were in a yore! We […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 8, 2025January 9, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Charisma Was it an appeal of your persona and faceOr a charisma of the intensity of my loveMy eager and puzzled heart and mind areStill entangled like a labyrinth of cobweb? No matter how much I tried to forget youEach time I end up remembering you moreWalking with the shadow of pious musingsSee my friend, we […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 7, 2025January 7, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
शिद्दत तुम्हारी सूरत और सीरत की कशिश थी,या फिर मेरी चाहत की शिद्दत का कमाल.एक व्यग्र हृदय एवं मन की उलझनों केचक्रव्यूह में उलझा मानों एक मकड़जाल. चाहे जितना तुमको भुलाने की कोशिश की,तुम हमेशा ही मुझको उतना ही याद आए.तुम्हारी यादों की परछाई संग चलते-चलते,देखो न आज हम कितनी दूर निकल आए. एक बेहद लम्बा […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 6, 2025January 6, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Fireflies of Memories A bit tiny yet marvellousShimmering white paniclesOf the Rajnigandha blooms…Their candidly sweet fragranceReminds few golden momentsThen my heart over againTurns distraught and restlessYearning those bygone days… During a span of timeLife was so fragrant withThe divine Rajnigandha touchSome sweet Rajnigandha feelingsAnd adorable Rajnigandha momentsInstead more apt to say…Rajnigandha memories and dreams. Like the fireflies glow […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 13, 2025January 13, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
शिशिर स्पंदन घर के बाहर लान कीहरी-भरी मखमली घास परचमकीली गुनगुनी धूप मेंपसंदीदा आरामकुर्सी परदोनों आँखें बंद, चंचल मनकिसी की मधुर यादों में खोयावह चिंतन में तल्लीन है… शिशिर ऋतु के मौसम मेंसाल के इस सबसे ठंडे दिनजीवन के इस पड़ाव परकाश इस नर्म गुनगुनी धूप सेइतर ये दिन और ज्यादासुखद, सेहतमंद एवं सुंदरललित और मनभावन होते..! […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 11, 2025January 11, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Ageless Friendship Editor’s Choice Now that the life is going downhillWe don’t know when it might endIn fact, every soul has to go in a spanWho knows when the curtain is drawnAfter all the temporal life’s so ephemeral.When the eternity remains so uncertainShould we not reunite for now againTo become friends we were in a yore! We […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 8, 2025January 9, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Rajnigandha Touch Now I get tired too soonSo I’m afraid of going farBut all this does not meanI’ve abandoned walks forever… And yes, I often feel lonelyEven amongst my own peopleBut all this does not meanI have stopped caring for all… I often remember our friendshipI still care for our relationshipBut how much I do,I have stopped […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh November 16, 2020October 6, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Greed For Power Among all temptations in life of a man, perhaps the greed for power is the strongest one. The obvious reasons appear to be that when one is empowered, all other luxuries and antiquities of life automatically fall in line. Hence it is not surprising that people craving for the power adopt and exploit all overt […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh November 7, 2020September 26, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
A Fairy Tale Like a fairy descended from the paradiseShe was beautiful no less than Snow WhiteLike an angel she was generous and kindThe flowers bloomed whenever she smiled. She was standing my way with open armsAnd I knew well this was real not a dreamYet kept struggling to overcome my inertiaAnd in the process I rendered her […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh October 21, 2020March 13, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked