My Humming Word

Editor’s Choice

It’s an early wintry morning
Mighty Sun yet to shower grace…
As I go for a walk in solitude
On so well-lit an earthen pathway
Under the canopy of lush green trees
My mind engaged in morning musings.

If one looks at the nature
Perhaps nothing is perfect
Yet everything appears so perfect
Many trees straight, some twisted
A few even bent in weird ways
Yet at the same time vista looks
So beautiful, aesthetic and elegant.

I came across somewhere
But don’t remember the author
Who said – Learn character from trees
Values from roots and change from leaves

Appears so baffling yet meaningful!

After a while, the sun rises
The vivid sunrays peak through
The thick canopy of the dense trees
Spreading gentle warmth and shine
Amid bustle and hustle of the leaves
Despite rather a calm and cool breeze.

A bit fatigued for a while
I seat myself beneath a tree
The mind and heart in harmony
Mesmerized by the marvels of nature
My teen innocence and reveries revived…
Now I’m lost in the lore of bountiful trees
In a synergized oneness of self and nature.

Image (c) Jaipal Singh

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