My Humming Word

Any war between
Two nations, or
Two civilizations,
And even between
Races or communities
Is a serious tragedy
And a heinous crime
Against the humanity.

But for some
Powerful and greedy
People and countries
It comes like an opportunity
To shine image and popularity,
Own authority and influence
Make business and profiteering
By offering mere lip sympathies
And lucrative sale and supply
Of war machinery and equipment.

Actually any war
Is an ugly and brutal product
Of hegemonic and expansionist
Ambition of people and nations
Who have least sensitivity
And regard for human values…
I experienced only the other day
When I found two heads of states
Of the powerful Western nations
Unconcerned and merrily laughing
During discussions at two forums
About the damages and miserable
Nemesis of the war-torn Ukraine.

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