My Humming Word

An observer he is…
Every living thing
In its body and emotions
Grows older and weaker
Only to die or wither
With the passage of time.
In this aging process
Man is no exception
The external windows start
Shutting down one by one
And this gradual process
Of detachment and decline
From the worldly order
Prepares his body and soul
For the eternal rest in peace
In due course of time.

Sometimes it puzzles him
Why this anomalous position
From the cosmic laws in life,
During all these years
From adolescence to older age
Despite perpetual absence and loss
His love and longing for her
Have had a phenomenal growth
And is still growing unabated
Only to blossom and inspire him
To be increasingly a better person
Against a normal wish to live like
Any next door happy-go-lucky man
No clue where all this will lead to
Afterwards or in this life.

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