It didn’t happen
In a single moment
A day or month
Instead he fossilized
In the aftermath
Over the years
Atom by atom
Molecule by molecule
And particle by particle
His body and mind
Hardened like a stone.
Other than his duty
Other than his work,
Be it a friendship or enemity
Be it a success or failure
Be it a joy or pain
Nothing really attracts
Nothing really distracts
He is a living fossil now.
Yet there is a corner
In his fragile heart
Muscles and veins in place
Still refusing to fossilize
To remain as pure and soft
Hoping against hopes
Dreaming against odds
Someday from somewhere
From his era and species
A familiar face and soulmate
Would mend the missing links
To reinforce the lifeline
And join him to end
This never ending wait
Before the living fossil
Gets extinct.
Image (c) GettyImages
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