My Humming Word


  1. Poem
Whenever I look at himMy faith in the karmic* cycleAnd the theory of reincarnationGets the major boost and vindication… Because in his current avatarHe absolutely offers no convictionAbout some ethics and values knownOr any special skill and virtues cultivation… Even so, he is still remarkableIn life’s success and progressionWith all the achievements mundaneSuch as name, […]
  1. Poem
Editor’s Choice A profanity and curse of the ancient Bharat (India): Invasions, upheaval and deliberate exploitationCaused by the Islamic invaders for the centuriesAnd prolonged enslavement by the colonial powersThe consequent instability & turmoil in the nation…Rendered its ethnic socio-cultural fabric vulnerableSo also its glorious customs, traditions and languagesFragile and prone to deliberate aversion and destructionUnder […]
  1. Poem
Invention of the silicon microchipDuring the twentieth centuryRevolutionized electronic industryAnd advent of artificial intelligenceIs now taking the human civilizationTo a miraculous yet frightening level… For now, if we ignore the flip side of itIn the social, electronic and print mediaWe have AI anchors like the Indian SanaSo suave, polite, calm and articulated…For many real-life anchors […]
  1. Poem
जीवन भर रहा सफर में मंजिल न हाथ में आयी,जीवन-असीम अम्बर में न चाॅंद पड़ा दिखलाई।संसार वृक्ष उपवन में आयी न कभी तरुणाई,अधखिली कुसुम की कलियाॅं न फूल कभी बन पाई। दुख-भग्न हृदय अंतर में तारों की स्वर लहरी हो,सूने मन के ऑंगन में न खुशी कभी ठहरी हो।करुणा सिंचित उपवन में क्या पुष्प नेह […]

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