My Humming Word

What a visual delight!
Aurora or the northern lights
A natural phenomenon of display
Of the colourful lights in earth’s sky
Owing to disturbances in the earth’s
Magnetosphere caused by solar winds.
Aurora presents a dynamic pattern
Of brilliant colours of holographic lights
Assume the forms of curtains, spirals,
Rays, or even dynamic multihued flickers.

In scientific jargons they use terms
Aurora borealis for the northern lights
& Aurora australis for the southern lights
Mostly visible in the high latitude regions
Around the Arctic and Antarctic respectively
The phenomenon carries a past legacy, too
As Aurora was the Roman goddess of dawn
Similarly the words borealis and australis
Are named after Greco-Roman ancient gods,
Boreas of north wind & Auster of south wind.

Image (c) Anubhuti

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