My Humming Word

  1. Poem

Scientist, Atheist & God

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As scientist, you actively subscribe to
Physical existence of the Endocrines
Such as Thyroid and Parathyroid
Pancreas and Hypothalamus
Adrenal, Pineal and Thymus
Also even ovary and testicle…
And above all, the Pituitary gland
As master and controller of all above.

Then as atheist or scientist
None of you ever deny
The abstract existence and power
Of the positive attributes
Such as Love, Joy and Gratitude
Hope, Inspiration and Pride
Serenity, piety and awe…
As also the negative attributes
Of Ego, Anger and Emptiness
Fear, Guilt and Loneliness
Jealousy, Hate, and Helplessness…

The list is rather long and endless.

Then as an accomplished scientist
Or a fashionably proclaimed atheist
How could you so verily deny
The very existence of GOD
As the SUPREME abstract entity
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient
Controlling all physical and abstract
Phenomenon in this universe?

(Antony Garrard Newton Flew (1923-2010) was a British philosopher and strong advocate of atheism, who changed his mind in 2004 by saying that he now believe in the existence of an intelligent Creator of the universe. This again appears a flawed concept with partial realization; the Hindu philosophy of Brahman (God) visualizes Him as the Creator, Sustainer and Withdrawer representing the complete cycle of existence.)

Image source: Internet

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