He is lonely on a chosen path
ever since the adolescent age.
The woman he ever really cared,
Then a girl and she too cared
Until the day his childish demand
and she barely asked it why…
Things became topsy-turvy
with the little chance to reconcile
within the time so short.
He didn’t realize he loved her
until she had gone away too far.
He died a death but stayed alive
to walk alone in the journey of life.
She was his second love,
First being Mother who left too.
Finds no reason to love another
with no love left in his heart.
No other woman can hurt him now,
no other woman can meet his demand,
the love for life gone with her
and lonely days his only friends.
He tried hard to get over the loss
but the loss became the way of life.
So now he lives life of A Recluse,
alone until death may set him loose.
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