Having lived without you in this life
In twilight of life, I wish to confide
Three things have been very close to my heart
With them I wish another life, however short.
I shall be born in the same country again
More than material, for metaphysical gain
It was the Golden Bird once upon a time
It’s destined to resurrect, repeat with time
When I look at the rest of the globe’s land
Find no other air and fragrance of its kind.
I shall be born from my mother’s womb again
A woman protective and caring yet mundane
All mothers are good but mine was an angel
What a nice soul with her body so beautiful
She loved and took my care till she lived
What an awe-inspiring soul, so splendid.
Then I had found and lost you in early life
But for my serial errors and a bit of strife
Became the jury and judge though I was convict
But life imprisonment was rather a harsh verdict
Sentenced, and I lived an ascetic in this life
Only to find and reclaim you in another life.
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