Poem नेता राज मंत्री फिरे बावला लियों, हर दिन गाड़ी बत्ती लाल,कानून बिगड़ हुआ, हुआ घणा बेजा हाल। रिश्वतखोरी नियम बन गई, चरे नेताजी चोखा माल,जवा ज्यों मिनखों ने चूसे, डौडी टोपी डौडी चाल। राज मेहकमो में घुस गिया, सब के सब भाई दलाल,रिश्वतखोरी सूं, जनता ने करे, बाबु-अफ़सर रोज़ हलाल,। ऐ तो कोई नेता नहीं भाई, सब […] Written by Surata Ram August 20, 2023August 20, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Demonic A prominent yet frustrated memberOf the oldest political party in IndiaThat also incidentally carries the legacyOf playing crucial act in freedom struggleSets a new paradigm so scaling new lowsin dirty politics… When he so vehemently as also brazenlyDeclared arrogantly from the public forumCalling the Indian electorate as Rakshasas… You are all Rakshasas (demons); those whovote […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh August 16, 2023August 16, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Panch Prana So far many heads of governmentHave come and gone since 1947Who has been ever so committedAnd devoted to the cause of nation! So let’s respond to his auspicious call& take Panch Prana* on this occasionTo contribute our own humble bit forthe sacred cause of the beloved nation… The essence of these five resolutions: Contribute for […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh August 15, 2023August 15, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Why So? You are too afarBeyond usual reachIn space, age and timeNow it has been a life span… Yet why it’s soThat up till nowYou appear so closeTo my mind and heart! The night brings youIn sweet & sour dreamAnd there is no single dayWhen your evocative thoughtsAnd fond memories do not haunt. 11,743 total views, 10 views today Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh August 10, 2023August 10, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Candlelit Dinner Editor’s Choice The husband and wife made up mind clearTo have for self a romantic candlelit dinnerSo dining, she made a humble supplicationPass the wine glass, O my adorable divine! Flattered,He too embarked upon likewise solicitationPass on the spaghetti, oh you antique Moti!What occurred following this is now a historyBut certainly not for anyone at […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh August 9, 2023August 9, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Karmic Yield Whenever I look at himMy faith in the karmic* cycleAnd the theory of reincarnationGets the major boost and vindication… Because in his current avatarHe absolutely offers no convictionAbout some ethics and values knownOr any special skill and virtues cultivation… Even so, he is still remarkableIn life’s success and progressionWith all the achievements mundaneSuch as name, […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh August 9, 2023August 9, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Rendezvous Again Editor’s Choice He so very often remembersTheir fateful summer afternoonWhen she bade a final good-byeMost likely never to meet again… As she was walking afar from lifeHe watched her moves transfixedIf he would be able to see her againWas the only moot question in mind… Quiet and dispassionate in his looksAgitated and sad in mind […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh August 7, 2023August 7, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Relationship Their relationship is based onA rock solid ground of unbrokenMutual trust and understandingWith none has violated rule ever On her part, she never trusted himWhile he has never understood herThey have been wife and husbandBlissfully for the last twenty years. Image Courtesy: Pinterest 11,587 total views, 10 views today Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh August 6, 2023August 6, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Gaiea Editor’s Choice A profanity and curse of the ancient Bharat (India): Invasions, upheaval and deliberate exploitationCaused by the Islamic invaders for the centuriesAnd prolonged enslavement by the colonial powersThe consequent instability & turmoil in the nation…Rendered its ethnic socio-cultural fabric vulnerableSo also its glorious customs, traditions and languagesFragile and prone to deliberate aversion and destructionUnder […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh August 6, 2023August 6, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Journey Some wiseman have truly called it a journeySince our beginning to end we meet people:Our parents and kin who care and groomTeachers who impart wisdom & knowledgeRelatives & friends who walk & talk with usThrough hardship and joyful moments of lifeIt’s worthwhile to mention many other knownAnd unknown that really enrich and matter! Some of […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh August 1, 2023August 1, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Sankranti The Makar Sankranti this yearIs more pious and singular event.One of the famous Hindu festivalsDedicated to the solar deity, Surya…Based on the planetary movementsIt’s an instance of transition of SunFrom zodiac Sagittarius to CapricornFrom the south to north hemisphereMarking onset of change in season.The occasion is widely celebratedBy various names in different partsAs new dawn […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 14, 2025January 15, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Fireflies of Memories A bit tiny yet marvellousShimmering white paniclesOf the Rajnigandha blooms…Their candidly sweet fragranceReminds few golden momentsThen my heart over againTurns distraught and restlessYearning those bygone days… During a span of timeLife was so fragrant withThe divine Rajnigandha touchSome sweet Rajnigandha feelingsAnd adorable Rajnigandha momentsInstead more apt to say…Rajnigandha memories and dreams. Like the fireflies glow […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 13, 2025January 13, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
शिशिर स्पंदन घर के बाहर लान कीहरी-भरी मखमली घास परचमकीली गुनगुनी धूप मेंपसंदीदा आरामकुर्सी परदोनों आँखें बंद, चंचल मनकिसी की मधुर यादों में खोयावह चिंतन में तल्लीन है… शिशिर ऋतु के मौसम मेंसाल के इस सबसे ठंडे दिनजीवन के इस पड़ाव परकाश इस नर्म गुनगुनी धूप सेइतर ये दिन और ज्यादासुखद, सेहतमंद एवं सुंदरललित और मनभावन होते..! […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 11, 2025January 11, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Ageless Friendship Editor’s Choice Now that the life is going downhillWe don’t know when it might endIn fact, every soul has to go in a spanWho knows when the curtain is drawnAfter all the temporal life’s so ephemeral.When the eternity remains so uncertainShould we not reunite for now againTo become friends we were in a yore! We […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 8, 2025January 9, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Charisma Was it an appeal of your persona and faceOr a charisma of the intensity of my loveMy eager and puzzled heart and mind areStill entangled like a labyrinth of cobweb? No matter how much I tried to forget youEach time I end up remembering you moreWalking with the shadow of pious musingsSee my friend, we […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 7, 2025January 7, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Sankranti The Makar Sankranti this yearIs more pious and singular event.One of the famous Hindu festivalsDedicated to the solar deity, Surya…Based on the planetary movementsIt’s an instance of transition of SunFrom zodiac Sagittarius to CapricornFrom the south to north hemisphereMarking onset of change in season.The occasion is widely celebratedBy various names in different partsAs new dawn […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 14, 2025January 15, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Fireflies of Memories A bit tiny yet marvellousShimmering white paniclesOf the Rajnigandha blooms…Their candidly sweet fragranceReminds few golden momentsThen my heart over againTurns distraught and restlessYearning those bygone days… During a span of timeLife was so fragrant withThe divine Rajnigandha touchSome sweet Rajnigandha feelingsAnd adorable Rajnigandha momentsInstead more apt to say…Rajnigandha memories and dreams. Like the fireflies glow […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 13, 2025January 13, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
शिशिर स्पंदन घर के बाहर लान कीहरी-भरी मखमली घास परचमकीली गुनगुनी धूप मेंपसंदीदा आरामकुर्सी परदोनों आँखें बंद, चंचल मनकिसी की मधुर यादों में खोयावह चिंतन में तल्लीन है… शिशिर ऋतु के मौसम मेंसाल के इस सबसे ठंडे दिनजीवन के इस पड़ाव परकाश इस नर्म गुनगुनी धूप सेइतर ये दिन और ज्यादासुखद, सेहतमंद एवं सुंदरललित और मनभावन होते..! […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 11, 2025January 11, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
दशानन दहन प्रतिवर्ष दशानन दहन किया, मन के रावण का नाश नहीं,अगनित सीता अपहृत होती, निज मर्यादा का भास नहीं।हम एक जलाते दशकंधर, शत दशकंधर पैदा होते,करते जो दहन मन का रावण, हर गली में रावण न होते। इस शक्ति पर्व का हेतु है क्या, है ब्यर्थ दिखावे की शक्ती,निर्बल को संबल दे न सके, अन्याय से […] Written by Gajendra Pal Singh October 5, 2022November 17, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Gulmohar Again In a life dull and forlornOwing to devastation and fearCaused by the alien coronavirusAs I venture out after weeksFrom my humble yet safe homeIn this rather isolated yet sheltered lane… Oh! It’s the month of May againThe time for Gulmohar to go greenAnd blooming full swing againIn the lane flanked by umpteenGulmohars forming a canopy […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh May 11, 2021November 8, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Whose God is This Anyway? God (Brahman) is the highest... Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh February 24, 2021March 9, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
ज्यों-ज्यों बूड़ो श्याम रंग बसन्त विहार कालोनी की परंपरानुसार... Written by Gita Singh February 22, 2021September 21, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked