My Humming Word

Editor’s Choice

The master horologist catechized a chirpy little boy
If he would care to buy an extra day for a premium!
The boy snappily returned that he didn’t care a bit,
Plenty time in hand to dream and see it’s realized.

The horologist returned with same query later on
The boy was a grown up and virtuoso young man
The man elegantly replied he didn’t have time for
A hypothetical query with so many things on card.

Years later, the omnipotent horologist surfaced again
With same offer to the boy, now a discerning old man
Unyielding man in his sober and serene timbre parried
Not a penny, sir, I’m in absolute equanimity and peace
with soul, body and mind.

Note: About a year back, an old friend sent a poem from an unknown author & source. The theme was; as a boy and young man, the person would seldom care a bit for time in life but when only a short span is left in old age, one gets desperate to spend entire fortune to buy a little extra time for self. Here a deep introspection revealed that every person is not so attached with mundane material diversions in this world.

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