I look around on this auspicious day
Diwali, the festival of lights and cheer
All the houses, buildings & installations
Be it in the vicinity or even far off places
Decorated with the glaring and glimmering
Skirt lights of all hues; red, blue green, et al
Strings of LED lights as well traditional diyas
Regalia, gifts, sweets, sparklers and fireworks
A season of merry-making with the loved ones
In moments of togetherness, pure joy and bliss…
Then a pensive I get thoughtful and nervous
In the moments of sundry fun, glare and glitterati
Should we not bother to have a reality check
By closing eyes for contemplation in silence
On status of own inner darkness and ignorance?
We have lighted up our houses all right
Did we also bother to light a few lamps inside?
For if we could mend our mind too to get riddance
Of vices like desire, anger, vanity, lust and greed
This Tamso Ma Jyotirgamaya* shall be
Our true Festival of Lights.
*Take me from darkness to light
Image: Adopted from social media
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