My Humming Word

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In a life dull and forlorn
Owing to devastation and fear
Caused by the alien coronavirus
As I venture out after weeks
From my humble yet safe home
In this rather isolated yet sheltered lane…

Oh! It’s the month of May again
The time for Gulmohar to go green
And blooming full swing again
In the lane flanked by umpteen
Gulmohars forming a canopy sort
Of brilliant and bright red from above
And a mesmerising carpet down below
Of the constantly falling scarlet petals.

The instant thought comes
Though these man-made disasters
Can stop progress of the life of man
For whatever short or long spells
But they cannot stop nature
Growing green and groom in a cycle
To produce the scarlet bloom of petals
Dancing like the wild bright flames!

Image (c) Jaipal Singh

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