My Humming Word

If it was not expressed
in so many words…
Does that mean,
It didn’t exist?

All these years
Whenever I had to take a decision
Whether it related to life or profession
First thing ever flashed in mind
How would you take this,
had you been around…!
Does that mean anything to you?

All these years
If I had to deal with an issue
Which had a moral or ethical overtone
First thing ever came in mind
How would you feel about it,
had you been around…!
Does that mean anything to you?

All these years
Regardless of age, time and space
If I ever really cared for someone
This was you and your thoughts
Despite your absence and ignorance,
and a never ending silence…!
Does that mean anything to you?

If it was not expressed
in so many words…
It didn’t mean
It doesn’t exist.

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