My Humming Word

A self proclaimed activist
And a strong proponent herself
Of gender equality
Only the other day
Was caught
In camera
Aborting a female foetus.

What are the compulsions
Of the woman involved
Well educated herself
Hailing from a family
Well to do
Leave aside many
Who willy-nilly do
And for the lady doctor
Is this only money
Or some other motivation too?

Like elephantine teeth
Some for the eats
And others for the displays
A majority of us
Don’t walk our talk.

This gender bias
Explains to an extent
The adverse male female ratio
Dwindling populace of the latter.

If the human race
Continues to misuse
Medical science and techniques
For mere convenience and greed
We can be certain
The end of human race 
On this green planet
Is not very far.

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