My Humming Word

Gone are the days
When Yamuna – the lifeline of Delhi
Appeared so young, beautiful and blue
And the banks so refreshing lush green
A sad saga of once a picturesque river
With a catchment area so vast and alive
Turning into a polluted streak of drain.

Isn’t it quite ironical
An overwhelming majority of population
Depends on her for potable water
Yet almost entire sewage of the city
Is dumped in it mostly untreated?
Pollutants render it unfit for drinking
As also for sustaining aquatic life.

Not that we don’t have action plan
But it’s also quite obvious so far
The progress of cleansing operation
Is not at all commensurate with
The rate of growing pollution.
Some people say most often joking
In Yamuna not only the water
The money too keeps flowing
Yet the mighty river is dying…

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