My Humming Word


  1. Poem
Virtue and value of equanimityIs explained and eulogized in GitaBy Shree Krishna to Prince Arjuna,A delusional and surreal warrior – Perform duty with equipoised mindWith apt dispassion and discretionWithout any attachment, joy or painTowards plausible success or failure Abandoning all attachment and desireIs essence of the yoga of equanimityThat unwinds true cosmic knowledgeGuiding one to […]
  1. Poem
As was anticipation and expectationYet again on Father’s Day celebrationMany tributes received for daddy dearAnd we humans are always very cleverFor everything within our imaginationWe have earmarked a day for jubilation. All of us are sons and daughtersAll of us are fathers and mothersWe have universal values and obligationDo we really need an annual celebration?We […]

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