My Humming Word


  1. Poem
From mundane material perspectiveHe is blessed with many attainmentsNeeded for a reasonably snug livingYet he lives under funny propensitiesOf being wronged, as he’s vulnerableThereby gullible by so many personsSuch as his close friends and relativesWho arguably keep playing mind-game. All this has made him a vexed personaFrustrated and unhappy, he perceivesHis real well-wishers as his […]
  1. Poem
Editor’s Choice As if descended from skiesOn vista, she appearedwith musings so profound,and stooped to conquerwith her angelic aura,beguiling beauty,and captivating smile… Upright and sinless,he stumbled onto Enchantress’ fairy charm, and tempting miensfalling like an easy sinecureonly to remain a prisonerof her thoughts for life. Image (c): Getty Images  4,297 total views,  5 views today
  1. Poem
Throughout the vast span of human livesMost of them thrive on physical comfortsWhile cribbing for the unfulfilled desiresDriven by the lust, greed and selfishnessAs discontented self, keep troubling othersIn many cases to the core of recklessness. The ubiquitous reality of the universe isPhysical world is merely a grand illusionAll living bodies comprising of perishableFive gross […]
  1. Poem
यह बात सब जानते है, कि तन है कच्चा गागर।इसमें निवास करता है, ‘वो’ ख़ुशी का महासागर।। सीमित में असीमित, करती दीपावली है उजागर।मैने कुछ भी नहीं कहा, इस शाश्वत में मिलाकर।। मैं खुशी का सागर हूं, आप हैं खुशी के महासागर।इस सागर में महासागर, मिल जाओ तुंरत आकर।। हस्ती में है हसीन हस्ती, हम […]
  1. Poem
Today, while snapping a flock of pigeonsRevived my childhood memory of a fableThat I read in Hindu classic Panchtantra…How a wise assembly of pigeons escapedFrom the machiavellian fowler’s dragnet! Ubiquitous through much of the planetFrom tropical forests to urban tower blocksPigeons are among the successful speciesWith fascinating and complex behavioursTo live as communal and gregarious […]
  1. Poem
वह रिश्ता त्याग देना बेहतर हैजहाँ प्यार का अहसास न होफिर यह चाहे आपकी बात होया जिससे आपको अपेक्षा हो वह रिश्ता त्याग देना बेहतर हैआपसी सुख-दुख की बात होअथवा अंतरंगता का सवाल होजहाँ इनकी अहमियत ही न हो. वह रिश्ता त्याग देना बेहतर हैजिसमें स्वार्थ का बोलबाला होव्यक्ति जो बस आत्मकेंद्रित होजहाँ केवल खुद […]

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