My Humming Word


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Large scale electrification and consumption of the fossil fuel based electricity featured only in 20th Century in the history of civilization. Till late 20th century, more developed West, like industrialization and modern technology, took lead in this sector too but the rest of the countries including India are now catching up fast to meet their […]
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I recollect some time back I had received a mail from one of the old colleagues with patriotic fervour highlighting glory of India largely citing illustrations from the data compiled on achievements of Indians serving abroad which inter alia included a high percentage of Indian doctors, engineers and scientists working in the multinational companies such […]
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Secularism is perhaps the most misunderstood and abused word in the Indian politics today. In the name of secularism, many political parties, their leaders, self-proclaimed intellectuals and activists have been raising issues in the past and a hysteria during the General Elections for the 16th Lok Sabha that minorities are not safe if the saffron party […]

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