My Humming Word


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Prayashchitta [Atonement] Continued from Part LI Prayashchitta is essentially a Sanskrit word with no exact meaning but terms like atonement, penance or expiation in English are quite close to it, which imply rigor or punishment inflicted upon oneself as an outward expression of repentance for the sin or wrong committed. In Hinduism, it is considered […]
  1. Article
Satya Continued from Part XLIX Ahimsa and Satya are two significant and unique attributes of Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism) since ancient times, and the two together encompass and influence several other divine virtues. For illustration, a person pursuing Ahimsa will necessarily be pious, kind and compassionate towards all creatures, harmless to one’s self and others under […]
  1. Article
Loneliness and Depression Continued from Part XLVI Among umpteen positive and negative attributes and emotions, classified as the divine and demoniac qualities respectively in Hindu scriptures including Srimad Bhagavad Gita, it may perhaps be unfair to classify loneliness and depression in either of the two categories despite their being negative attributes. It’s so because people […]
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Renunciation Continued from Part XLIV In common parlance among the Indian religions, the renunciation refers to an act of abandonment of the pursuit of material comforts and worldly possessions with the intention of achieving spiritual enlightenment. In Hinduism, the renounced order of life is referred to as Sannyasa free from the cravings of material comforts, […]
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Anger Management Continued from Part XLIII Anger is an emotion of all living beings including humans and animals depicted through antagonism towards someone or something perceived to have deliberately done some wrong. In spiritual sense, the attachment of person towards the materialistic or worldly possessions gives rise to a sense of insecurity and consequent fear; […]

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प्रतिवर्ष दशानन दहन किया, मन के रावण का नाश नहीं,अगनित सीता अपहृत होती, निज मर्यादा का भास नहीं।हम एक जलाते दशकंधर, शत दशकंधर पैदा होते,करते जो दहन मन का रावण, हर गली में रावण न होते। इस शक्ति पर्व का हेतु है क्या, है ब्यर्थ दिखावे की शक्ती,निर्बल को संबल दे न सके, अन्याय से […]


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