Editor’s Choice

Though it’s more of a political philosophy
But the anarchism, as a matter-of-factly,
Is corelated in all socio-political situation
Engaging excessive control and coercion.
In an individual with a rebellious persona
Driven by his antics of freedom, rebellion,
Individuality, criticism, pride, justice, et al;
Reason and passion overlap each other.
Person is narcissistic, reckless, incorrigible
Swindling, impenitent, callous, liar & crafty
Causes phenomenal trauma to own people
Physical, social, emotional, and/or financial.
This person is most burdensome to manage
Conduct being reckless, at times even smutty
As a member of any system, class, or society
Such a person is an Anarchist and a liability.
Image: Courtesy Pinterest
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