Recalling on auspicious Republic Day, the 26th January 2024,
How the shackles of foreign rule, our countless heroes tore.
The brunt of unfathomable torture and humiliation they bore!
We bow in reverence to the martyrs and earnestly we adore.
But for their sacrifices, we wouldn’t have this gaiety and galore
Enjoying our freedom with a ceiling over us and beneath a floor.
Every day I take a pledge to contribute so that Bharat’s glory soar.
To preserve and protect it’s legacy for eternity, we must explore!
Nothing is holier than the constitution now nor was anything before,
The values of Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity dwell at its core.
I reassure all beloved compatriots that I’ll for ever follow this psalm,
It ceaselessly plays – I came with a closed fist, will go with an open palm.
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