Editor’s Choice
‘Enjoy’ is the familiar buzzword
Fashionable and popular these days
When I solemnly look around
A host of my friends and relatives
As also many folks known – unknown
Everyone seems running to enjoy life
And merry-making their own ways…
In restaurant, theatre, sports, picnic spots,
Or copious visits to inland and exotic locale
And narrating story for others to “enjoy”.
It this is the sole purpose of life
I can voice this without hesitation
Animals & birds are doing it better
Adapted to food, protection and shelter
Without fiddling with the nature’s rules
And so also any inconvenience to others.
Thanks to the advent of social media
And other means of fast communication –
Overtly exposing mundane lives of folks
With inroads in intimate and private lives
The people too willy-nilly succumbing to it
Due to their own rapacity and hunger for
Pomp and show, catching public attention
Or ostentatious display of wealth and power!
I so often reflect in solitude
With innate feelings of remorse
If the current void and vulgar trend
Of inordinate indulgence in gratification
Will ever pause for serious contemplation
If it is the real and ultimate object of life
Or there is something more to this rapture…
Things in life more objective and resolute
Or activities more fulfilling and determinate
After all Supreme Entity* in this universe
Created only humans with unique attributes
Endowing them limitless potential and power
Should that be allowed to go waste this away
In so mundane and inane deeds and antics!
* Refers to the God, the ultimate creator, sustainer and destroyer in this universe.
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