My Humming Word

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Many Antinational Forces Are Active to Let Down India

Nationalism and Freedom of Expression are valued concepts in the democratic nations of the world but, at the same time, they are so often misinterpreted and abused in the context of the Indian polity and society. Ordinarily, the nationalism is taken as a politico-social and economic system promoting the interests of any sovereign country free from outside interference and closely linked with the concept of freedom of speech and self-determination. In a nutshell, the concept of nationalism is identified and fostered with a sustained national identity based on the shared values like identical past, culture, language, belief system, political objectives, and so on. Many a time, people loosely tend to synonymize the nationalism and patriotism despite a delicate difference that a nationalist feels allegiance and pride for his country in a sort of unflinching patronage often de-linking with its merits, while the patriot is proud of his country for what he actually does for it i.e. an inclination with a committed sense of responsibility.

Unfortunately in post-independent India, even the connotation and nuances of the nationalism have changed depending upon who is talking about it. For instance, if a Hindu person talks about the nationalism, he is often interpreted as a rightist and Hindu nationalist by certain ilk of politicians, media, and the traditional Indian secularists/liberals, who hold the “Hindu nationalism” as a potentially dangerous and serious threat to the modern India as a secular nation. At the same time, the same set of people so often tend to self-certify as being the true nationalist and patriot. Then just because a very large section of the particular minority holds their religion above the country or nation, many political parties and people of the so-defined left-centric and left ideology avoid even making a reference to nationalism lest it may hurt sensitivities of the particular minorities adversely affecting the former’s electoral base. The left parties even go to the extent of referring genuine nationalist sentiments as “hyper-nationalism”.

Oxygenating Anti-Nationalism in Indian Environment

During the freedom struggle against the British colonial rule, the nation clearly had two sets of nationalist and patriotic freedom fighters. The first set of people were mostly represented by the dominant leaders and followers of the Indian National Congress, way back created by the British themselves in 1885 with an objective to promote English educated and moderate Indian people pursuing middle path who could serve as some sort of buffer between the common man and the British governance. The second set of freedom fighters were less organized but hardcore patriots comprising mostly revolutionaries and some Congress leaders such as Subhash Chandra Bose, who were not averse to even an armed struggle to secure freedom from the British. But the irony of the politics is such that the latter category suffered to the maximum extent during the British rule making sacrifices of life and possessions for the cause of freedom while the former category all along received good treatment from the British even when imprisoned and, ultimately, the British chose them as their successor for the transfer of political power in August 1947.

Initially for many years, the Congressmen and Communists remained the only significant political parties with the former ruling the country with Jawaharlal Nehru as prime minister, and later by his pedigree politicians on a dynasty pattern. Although the partition of the country was accepted on communal lines (i.e. essence was that the Hindus and Muslims represent two different nations (kaums) that cannot coexist together for a peaceful living) by carving out an independent nation (Pakistan) for Muslims, but the majority of them later stayed back in India under a political agreement and the leadership of the nation opted for a secular and democratic political set up for India. Subsequently, the ruling Congress found it convenient and beneficial for the party to follow the appeasement policy for the minorities (mainly Muslims & Christians) to stay in power and several socio-religious legislations favorable to them were made accordingly. The height of appeasement could be observed from the Congress Ex-Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh who is on record to state in 52nd meeting of National Development Council (NDC) that the government had to devise innovative plans to ensure that the minorities, particularly Muslims, have first charge on the national resources sharing the fruits of development.

Thus discrimination in dealing with various communities for a long time, particularly at the socio-political and economic cost of the majority Hindu community, clubbed with the sustained appeasement of minorities have, in fact, created a rift and division among communities rather than uniting them for an integrated development and progress. Later on several communists and regional socialist parties too resorted to same plank (of appeasement) to garner their electoral mandate giving tough competition to the Congress party. Besides, the Congress and allies also simultaneously fostered and groomed a section of media and intellectuals/liberals on the concept of the shared mutual interests and benefits; and in effect this ecology of politicians, media and intellectuals/liberals have by and large flourished and dominated the Indian political scene for nearly six decades. The first setback to this symbiotic ecology occurred in May 2014, when the Indian electorate gave a clear majority and reigns of the political power in the Central Government to Prime Minister Narendra Modi led National Democratic Alliance, with Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) emerging with a comfortable majority on the national scene.

Actually, since early 1990s, no political party had ever received a clear mandate from the Indian electorate at the national level. After 2014 parliamentary election, Mr. Narendra Modi led NDA was elected again in 2019 Parliamentary Election with a massive mandate and clear majority. For the first time in the last several decades, India is not only experiencing an integrated and wholesome development in all sectors but also its reputation has considerable gone up in the international community. On one hand, this development has accelerated progress of the otherwise still poor and underdeveloped country; on the other hand, it has also triggered and heightened sheer frustration and disappointment among the power hungry and selfish opposition parties/politicians, and their sympathetic media and intellectuals/liberals so much so that criticism or opposition have no more remained merit-based; instead, they now tend to oppose every, action, policy or program the Central Government. This criticism and opposition is often so intense and mindless that, at times, their action goes against the very interests of the nation itself and, in some cases, can be easily categorized as operating against the nation itself. Such people with their anti-national activities or actions harmful for the nation could be broadly summarized under the following categories.

1. Mainstream Opposition Political Parties

Enormous poll debacle in 2014 and 2019 parliamentary elections followed by consecutive failures of the party to convince voters in many state assemblies’ elections in Northern India and other parts have left serious impact on the morale and psyche of the Congress Party. Besides, the zero-tolerance policy of Modi Government against corruption has also put on dock several party leaders including members of the dynastic family with a question mark on their political future in the party owing to the ongoing investigations and criminal court cases. A party which has ruled the country directly or through proxy for nearly six decades since independence is simply unable to handle their present nemesis. For the similar reasons, the Congress and some other mainstream opposition parties like the Samajwadi Party, Rashtriya Janta Dal, Aam Admi Party, etc. have resorted to oppose, irrespective of merit, almost every move or action of the Central Government as also the BJP governments in the states out of sheer desperation and hurry to dislodge Mr Narendra Modi and the BJP. This opposition and criticism of the Modi Government has grown to the extent that on many occasions these political parties and their leaders are found pitted against the national interests.

For the illustration’s sake, just a few examples of their unwarranted criticism, opposition and vigorous protests against the Removal of the Article 370 in Kashmir, Rafale Deal with France Government, Demonetization, Citizenship Amendment Act, GST Reforms, Ram Mandir Case, Central Vista Project, legislation against the evil practice of triple talaq, World Yoga Day, introduction of the Vande Bharat trains, the Statue of Unity, and New Parliament House are quoted here. Thanks to the hypocrisy and partisan approach of the major opposition parties like the Congress, and their boycott of its inauguration on silly pretext, the Western media has already started calling the New Parliament House as a “controversial Parliament” made by the “Hindu nationalist ruling party”. Even the armed forces of India have not been spared by the Congress and some other opposition parties in that the two surgical strikes against terrorists on the Pakistan soil by the army and air force during the recent years and their valor and successes against ever hostile China during the prolonged Doklam stand-off in 2019 and Galwan Valley clash in 2020 have been openly questioned at the national and international forums by them. The leaders of Congress have not stopped here; instead, some of them during their abroad visits such as Mani Shankar Aiyyer in Pakistan in the past and more recently the Gandhi scion in UK and USA have been openly found calling for the foreign support and intervention to change the existing regime (in the name of saving democracy) by levying imaginary charges and fears.

2. Left Parties and Maoists-Naxal Groups

The leftist ideology and parties were not born out of any revolutionary ideas or oppressive practices in India. Instead, they were an offshoot of the revolutionary movements and civil wars in Russia and China and, consequently, these parties still feel affiliated seeking socio-political and moral solace and support from these countries. During the Indo-China 1962 war, while the Indian army was fighting against the Chinese aggression in the Himalayas, most leaders of the then undivided Communist Party of India (CPI) reportedly supported China praising PLA stand and action putting their ideology above the national interests. Consequently, the Indian government led by Jawaharlal Nehru, who was otherwise friendly and inclined to the communist ideology, had to put nearly all key communist leaders in prison. Their approach and modus operandi has not changed till date. Many leftist leaders and intellectuals still use the jargon ‘hyper-nationalism’ for the people’s genuine love and sentiments for the nation. Thus their lack of nationalism is not something new when they are found supporting the cause of anti-national elements in Jawaharlal Nehru University and other places, separatists in Kashmir and northeast, or the violent Naxalite movement.

Ironically, while the left ideology seeks to favor the peasants and labourers, the majority of the leaders and so-called leftist intellectuals and rationalists themselves come from an elite background and they are often found suffering from the paranoia and lopsided vision of the Indian realities and democratic institutions at large. In the name of social democracy, they often indulge in creating or promoting rift among the various sections of the society such as the upper castes versus dalits, rich versus poor, Hindus versus Muslims, Hindus versus Christians, and so on for their selfish interests and political survival. The radical agenda and narratives of the communists and leftist intellectuals is such that they are found even without a basic sense of socio-political and moral ethics and responsibility. To illustrate the point the anti-national stand and activities, their activities in the JNU campus, Rohit Vemula suicide case, army action on the stone-pelters in Kashmir, frequent criticism of the Indian army, support to the separatists in Kashmir and Naxalites could be cited.

Over the years, the communist parties have increasingly lost their value and relevance in Indian politics. Their erstwhile bastions of the West Bengal and Tripura are already lost and they are gradually losing their hold in their last state Kerala too. Indian communists and leftist intellectuals/liberals have their fantastic ideology and views on the subjects like the nationalism, secularism, tolerance and freedom of expression and, therefore, taking resort to it they are often found supporting people indulging in anti-national activities, or even terrorism in places like Kashmir. Influenced with the Marxism, armed wing of the Maoists-Naxalites was created in 1960s which have increasingly become the symbol of revolt against the Indian establishment frequently targeting the tribal population, police and government officials leading to numerous abductions and killings ever since. Nearly ten Indian States including West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Jharkhand, Bihar are affected with their anti-national and violent activities.

3. Separatists, Radicals and Terrorist Organizations

Direct threat is posed to India’s integrity and sovereignty by a large number of separatist, radical and terrorist groups in various parts of the country, and more particularly in the Jammu & Kashmir and northeastern states. The biggest threat and enormous challenged is posed by the separatists and terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir since independence. Although the princely state of Jammu & Kashmir was lawfully integrated in India but Pakistan constantly disputed it on the plea that the state has a majority population of Muslims (Kashmir Valley with Muslim majority constitute just about 15% of the geographical area). For the effective management and development, it has now been divided in two union territories after removal of the temporary Article 370 from the Constitution. Since Pakistan could not achieve its goal of capturing Kashmir by force in three wars, a localized intense conflict in Kargil and international diplomacy, it resorted to actively promoting and supporting separatist and terrorist organization. Unfortunately, some political parties, media persons and left leaning intellectuals/liberals in India too support the separatists’ cause by justifying radical and terrorist activities.

The Pakistan army and ISI are actively involved evolved in alluring and recruiting the young and unemployed Kashmiris and Pakistanis to push into subversive and terrorist activities after training and arming them in the name of Jehad from their soil in Pak-occupied Kashmir. Similarly, China, with their eyes on Arunachal Pradesh, is engaged in oxygenating separatist movements in the north-eastern states by supplying arms and moral support to insurgents in that region. There is yet another reason why radical Islamic groups in India and Pakistan are constantly active in troubling India. Not many people in India and elsewhere are aware that some Indian radicals and many Pakistani Ulema, Clerics, professional scientists, army personnel and defense experts are actively engaged for years, allegedly citing a Hadith, in spreading the ideology of “Ghazwa-e-Hind”, meaning thereby the conquest of Hind (Bharat). Ghazwa means a war to kill Kafirs and Hind is the part of the land of Kafirs today known as Bharat or India. A new challenge to the Indian establishment is posed by the proponents of Khalistan (the land of Khalsa) as a sovereign state since 1980s. This violent movement had largely died down by early 2000s but recently it has again been revived posing serious threat to the sovereignty and integrity of nation, with the movement garnering support from some insiders but mainly from the separatist wealthy Sikhs in the western countries, ISI and military of Pakistan.

4. Leftist Intellectuals, Urban Naxals and Tukde-Tukde Gang

While the leftist intellectuals have a long history post-independence actively working in tandem with the successive Congress governments and left parties, the urban naxals and tukde-tukde gang are relatively more recent terms coined for groups and individuals often noticed working against the national interests, and more particularly against the Hindu majority community. Such people are considered even more dangerous and detrimental to the interests of nation because they do not openly raise arms and weapons against the state; instead, they use ideology and aggressive publicity sometimes overtly and other times in a covert manner to achieve their objectives. As this essay is not exclusively dealing with them, there seems to be no need for specifically calling for some names and their inimical activities. However, just as a passing reference to a specific illustration from now settled Ram Janmbhumi – Babari Masjid dispute is briefly indicated here.

Four noted historians and professors, RS Sharma, M Athar Ali, DN Jha and Suraj Bhan had submitted a report on 13 May 1991 titled “Babri Mosque or Rama‘s Birth Place? Historians‘ Report to the Indian Nation”. The report category held that there were no grounds for supposing a temple of Lord Ram or any temple at the Babri site as also no evidence of any veneration by Hindus to the alleged birthplace of Lord Ram until the late eighteenth century. Further, the alleged destruction of temple was progressive reconstruction of the imagined history based on faith. The fallacies and bias of these historians was clearly vindicated from the detailed findings of the archaeological excavations included in the ASI report of 2003, available structural evidences, the records of books, travelogues, gazetteers and other accounts. Only Suraj Bhan could be cross-examined, who admitted that only two of them had once visited Ayodhya, they were under pressure from the Babri Masjid Action Committee to submit report in only six weeks; hence they did it without going through the record of excavation work by ASI and BB Lal. He also admitted that he had no knowledge of Hindu scriptures/Puranas. Needless to mention, the Supreme Court judges observed that the inferences drawn by the historians were their views which cannot be taken as evidence. The fact about the late Professor RS Sharma, head of the historians’ team, being a well-known protagonist of his Marxist methods is not a secret and a well known fact.

The term ‘Urban Naxals’, probably gained more popularity and currency since 2018, when it was used to describe anti-nationalist protesters and dissenters mostly belonging to leftists or left-leaning so-called liberals associated with the Elgaar Parishad case near Pune, Maharashtra. In a nutshell, urban naxals are the people with the naxalite bent of mind located in urban areas and working as ideologue activists actively guiding, supporting and protecting the armed maoist-naxals active in the jungles and the Maoist-dominated areas. This is actually part of an old strategy of Maoists seeking support at urban centers for leadership and organize masses to build armed groups/armies with military tasks. Such support usually involve  recruitment of personnel, material and infrastructure. According to police, the banned Naxalite groups had organized the Elgar Parishad on 31 December 2017 on 200th anniversary of the Battle of Bhima Koregaon and the conspiracy involved a plot to assassinate Prime Minister Modi. Seven activists were identified with various charges and, surprisingly, many opposition political parties including the Congress and intellectual/liberals came in their support and even filed a petition in the Supreme Court for their immediate release. Irony of the case being that the same Congress Party while in government had earlier  arrested and prosecuted some of the same urban naxals for seditious activities.

Tukde-Tukde Gang is another loosely coined term often used for many splinter groups involving students, misguided youth, members of political and religious organizations, and even critics of the government supporting sedition and secessionism. While this now commonly use term for groups and individuals indulged in seditious and secessionist activities, some people credit Sudhir Chaudhary, journalist for coining this term while some others also ascribe it to the Republic TV’s Arnab Goswami. This term became popular after 2016 JNU sedition row, when a large number of left-leaning students of the Jawaharlal Nehru University protested against the Central Government opposing hanging of Afzal Guru who was convicted for aiding the terrorists in the attack on Parliament in December 2001 as also Maqbool Bhat, a Kashmiri terrorist and co-founder of Jammu & Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF). During the protest, the speeches made and slogans raised by some students like “India will be broken in thousand pieces” and outsiders were of seditious, hateful and outrageous nature to malign and violate the integrity of the nation. Ever since, it has become a regular feature in many engineered public protests with such elements with slogans wishing India is broken to pieces, supporting Pakistan and some even wishing death of Prime Minister Modi.

5.  Conversion Mafia Using Evangelism and Coercion

The author has consciously used the term mafia because conversion is a reality being purportedly and methodically carried out by many missionaries, clergy and ulemas of the two Abrahamic religions in concert with several NGOs (non-government organizations) and their foreign based religious institutions/organizations. Of the two exotic religions in India, Islam is now second largest religion with approximately 15% population as per 2011 Census only next to the majority Hindu community while Christianity is third largest religion comprising about 2.3% population (27.8 million) leaving behind the indigenous religions, namely Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism. The exact or fairly accurate population of Muslims in terms of numbers and percentage will be available only after fresh census due since 2021 which even some Muslim ulemas and politicians have claimed to a proportion of 20 to 24 percent and for them the religion gets an overriding priority over the nationalism and patriotism. Several conversion rackets have been caught in recent years and issue came up in various courts too with demographic issues becoming an issue of concern in many parts, more particularly in the states like the West Bengal and Kerala.

As for conversion in Islam employing various coercive measures is concerned, it’s going on since 11th century onward with three Islamic countries namely Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh already created ever since in the erstwhile Indian sub-continent with the thousands of years old Sanatana Hindu culture. The British colonial rulers paved way for the Christian missionaries in the 19th century. In the name of welfare and upliftment (evangelism) of the poor and underprivileged, the Christian missionaries undertake such service in the name of God, particularly in tribal and backward areas, but actually resort to mass conversion of the target population to Christianity. Consequently, the most visible impact of the missionary activities is visible in three states of northeast namely Meghalaya, Nagaland and Mizorum with overwhelming Christian majority. Christian population in Arunachal Pradesh was less than one percent in 1971 which became thirty percent in 2011. Similarly, in Manipur their population had reached to over fourty-one percent from just about two percent in 1931. Under Sharia Law in Islam, the conversion of Muslims to other faiths is forbidden but conversion of non-Muslims to Islam is permitted, rather actively pursued. The clergy and radical elements take this provision as mandate and aggressively employ tactics like forced conversion (where possible), illegal immigration, covert conversion operation, producing many children under polygamy, love jihad, and so on.

6. Corporate Mafia

The corporate mafia comprising of dominant multinational and domestic private companies too have a role through their selfish tactics like usurping public resources, protectionism, consumerism and marketism. Although their chief aim is to capture foreign markets and natural resources for maximum commerce and profiteering, with India offering a very lucrative market owing to its huge consumer base and commerce potential. This could be considered as one of the biggest threat to a democratic nation like India which has arisen largely on account of and following the liberalization in 1990s. Consequently, on one hand many selfish, profit-oriented and least transparent private companies are engaged in usurping national resources like land, forests, water, minerals, and so on, on minimum price, on the other hand multinational companies are trying to capture the domestic markets and consumer base through manufacture and distribution network often employing corrupt means adversely affecting the traditional small business giving employment and livelihood to millions of people. Besides, many of them are also engaged in systematic and well-organized campaign against domestic manufacturing and make in India efforts. The classical examples are foreign arms dealer and pharmaceutical companies in this regard. Another example could be cited Yogaguru Ramdev’s initiative of swadeshi in consumer goods under Patanjali tradename; ever since he started this, efforts are constantly on to derail his initiative and a systematic campaign is still going on against the quality of the Patanjali products. For the same selfish reasons, they are indulged in a vicious campaign against Indian Yoga, Ayurveda and Naturopathy in India and worldwide.

7.  International Media, NGOs and Private Institutions

India has made rapid progress in almost all socio-economic sectors under the present government establishment with a competent and strong leadership fast emerging as a nation which can no longer be ignored by the world community, and more particularly the developed West including America and Europe. While the respective governments have to keep their long term political and diplomatic interests; hence their response is also accordingly built to the foreign countries including India based on mutual understanding, compulsions and common interests. However, the non-governmental organizations, private social and religious institutions, groups and individuals are under no such compulsion or obligation; hence, traditionally, the Western media, NGOs, religious organizations and many other private institutions and individuals in the US and European countries are simply unable to digest a so called third world country emerging in the forefront of the world scenario as a largely self-reliant and powerful nation.

Consequently, while the governments of even the powerful countries and world financial institutions acknowledge India’s all round development and growth under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership often forecasting India as the emerging next superpower, the leading global electronic and print media constantly try to portray its rather negative and dismal image. For instance, many American dailies such as The Washington Post and The New York Times and UK media and newspapers like the BBC, The Guardian and The daily Telegraph, etc. are constantly critical of the Indian affairs so often indulged in lopsided, misleading and even scandalous reporting of the Indian affairs including its political developments. For this they even actively identify and engage anti-establishment people in India and perennial journalist-critics like Barkha Dutt and Rana Ayyub on payroll who seldom see anything positive with the Indian government and the majority Hindu community and are even found sympathizing with the separatist and terrorist groups and individuals justifying their cause.

Similarly, many foreign based religious organizations including missionaries and Islamic institutions have been exporting money and ideology to promote conversion in India. A large number of NGOs operating in India have been found indulged in dubious anti-national activities and FEMA/FERA violations during the last few years and banned by the Indian government for obnoxious activities and financial irregularities. Some NGOs not only operate and promote their dubious agenda but also try to directly interfere in Indian socio-political and socio-religious matters. For instance, coercive or forced conversion and wearing hijab in schools was banned by the Karnataka government in the past for overall social harmony and peace. After the recent change in government with the Congress Party coming in power, the Amnesty International India has raised four demands in the name of human rights for immediate implementation viz. revoke the ban on Muslim girls wearing hijabs in educational institutions, legalize cow slaughter, legalize conversion and take action against people (Hindus) boycotting any Muslim vendor. Since the Congress Party has been pursuing the appeasement of Muslims for long, it is more likely that the government would meet these demands sooner or later.

Many of such forces are annoyed with their enemy-like conduct against India because majority of them were comfortable with the previous Congress and allied governments with their dubious activities largely remaining unchecked and unhindered. Besides media and NGOs, many other foreign institutions and individuals too constantly engage in India bashing and action to harm the nation in various ways. The list is too long but here the author would like to mention only one institution viz. Hindenburg Research and an individual i.e. George Soros. A proclaimed billionaire investor and philanthropist. Hindenburg is a US investment research firm which recently published a damaging report on Adani Group in India making a plethora of allegations on its Chief Gautam Adani, whom the opposition Congress Party and other Prime Minister Modi baiters constantly link with latter with many unsubstantiated allegations including financial irregularities. While the Indian opposition parties led by Congress stalled and disturbed the proceedings of the Parliament for weeks demanding constitution of an all parties Parliamentary Committee to probe the Adani Group, George Soros on his part made unsolicited remarks on the Indian democracy inter alia suggesting that the turmoil engulfing business tycoon Gautam Adani’s empire may open the door to a democratic revival in India.

George Soros did not stop here and, instead, added that PM Modi had been ‘silent’ on allegations of fraud and stock manipulation at Adani’s industrial empire and that the Prime Minister would have to answer questions from foreign investors and Parliament on the topic. While interests of Hindenburg Research and George Soros of Indian matters would be a subject of curiosity and exploration, there appears to be no doubt that the two have some common interest and perhaps illicit connection. As the details of Hindenburg Report on the Adani Group are beyond the scope of this write up but, in a nutshell, several allegations of fraud and stock manipulation were made against the Group with a view to furtherance of its business interest. The report caused severe damage to the reputation of the Gautam Adani-led conglomerate. According to media / unaudited reports, Gautam Adani who was the world’s acclaimed third richest person and Asia’s richest person till recently, slipped to the 26th and 29th positions on the Forbes and Bloomburg world billionaire list, respectively. Reportedly, Adani was worth $150 billion in September 2022, its net worth slipped to around $121 in the beginning of 2023 which further eroded to about $107 billion recently.

While the opposition parties made uproar and ruckus in the parliament and public, this caused serious disruption in the stock exchange / markets too with panic among many investors. Consequently, the Supreme Court constituted an experts panel comprising of the former Supreme Court Judge AM Sapre (head), former renowned bankers KV Kamath and OP Bhatt, Infosys co-founder Nandan Nilekani, securities lawyer Somasekhar Sundaresan and retired high court judge JP Devadhar to look into the allegations raised by the Hindenburg report and determine whether there was regulatory failure in dealing with the alleged contravention of the law, among other things. The request of the Indian government to include at least one government representative in the panel was summarily rejected by the apex court.

The experts panel had devised it own methodology and has recently submitted its report giving clean chit to the Adani Group. In its report dated 6 May 2023, the experts’ panel has given a detailed assessment of the situation including volatility in the securities market due to the Hindenburg report. In addition, the panel has also gone into two more issues of the investor awareness and regulatory failure, if any. While clearing Adani Group from the alleged charges of fraud and manipulations, the panel had specifically examined the issues of the market volatility, investors awareness and regulatory failure on parameters like minimum public shareholding, related party transactions and price manipulation. The panel did not find any regulatory failure and this very point itself deflates and makes null and void the entire narrative that was utilized by the opposition parties to disrupt Parliament and cast aspersions on the regulations dealing with the Indian capital market. Although the Hindenburg Research and George Soros are proved to be wrong and redundant but their objective of harming the Indian nation and its business through adverse publicity is already accomplished.


As is clear from the aforesaid factual analysis, a large number of anti-national and disruptive forces are active in India for long to malign the image and hinder or slow down its social and economic progress. Unfortunately, some selfish and corrupt parties and politicians too act in league with the disruptive forces owing to their common interests and goals. The author would just like to cite one topical issue to illustrate the point. During the Congress led UPA government, the need of a new parliament building was accepted by the Lok Sabha Speaker and the government but they didn’t take initiative to undertake the job. When PM Modi led government took initiative to construct new parliament building, the Congress and some other opposition parties opposed it calling it Prime Minister’s house and sheer waste of public money. Now the new Parliament House meeting all futuristic requirements is ready but the same parties are boycotting its opening on other silly pretexts. The height of hypocrisy would be when tomorrow they will be sitting and enjoying all privileges in the same Parliament which they are opposing for now. I leave it to the readers to decide for self if their action conforms to the national interest or is against it.

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