My Humming Word

  1. Poem

Roadmap for Nation

For global warming there’s no eradication,
There are only two measures for amelioration.
First measure to resort to is mitigation,
Where it’s not feasible, adopt adaptation.
For LDCs, even daily food too is a desperation,
As developing nations lack finance mobilization.
COPs are tantamount to Sunday congregation, 
To make tall hollow rhetoric and proclamation.
Developed countries indulge in procrastination,
Their commitment & pledge is mere ostentation.
Address the climate change with dedication,
As salvation can be attained with meditation.
Greed for more must be pushed to relegation,
Indigenization must get rapid proliferation.
Innovation and R&D be a top prioritization,
That’s the way to become a developed nation. 
Rising without manufacturing is an  aberration,
Politics and electricity must have a separation.
Pride in the farming and labour need inculcation,
Startup be imparted mentoring and incubation.
A sure way for the masses’ economic liberation,
Dreams of Self-reliant India come to realization.
Looking for technology transfer is a frustration,
A lip service practiced by every advanced nation.
To cajole an emerging nation into liberalization,
And to access market of 1.4 billion population. 
They euphemize it by an FTA or cooperation,
A stark act of devastation and market predation.
Let’s be patriotic and practice not prevarication,
Produce quality competitively to rise as a nation.
Coexist peacefully with caste & creed amalgamation,
After all, our interest lies in the  nation’s elevation.

[LDCs = Least Developed Countries; COP = Conference of Parties; FTA = Free Trade Agreement]

Image (c) Pinterest

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