He is my only friend,
All aloof yet so concerned,
But why he is so different!
So I asked him once,
If you loved her so much,
More than your own life,
Why didn’t you tell her
Before it was too late?
Instead of replying me,
Swift came a counter query.
Do you think,
Making an issue of it,
Devdas died only his death?
No, Parvati was ruined,
Chandramukhi died hundreds,
And what to say
Of insurmountable pain
To close friends and relatives.
And he continued…
No disrespect to Sharat Babu’s Dev
But, obviously, it helps none
To be ‘Yet Another Devdas’.
Life is God’s gift,
Man has no right to ruin it,
None can take her place,
Yet I shall live with it
Without any addiction
Or even a Chandramukhi to care.
The soul is ethereal and pure,
It will always long for her,
The body is transient
And not mine
So I have committed it
To the humanity’s cause.
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