My Humming Word

A relationship lifelong
That he admired so dear
And cherished in his heart
Yet unable to fathom it ever
And call it with certain oneness
If it was a friendship or love…
Also when the saga ended
Leaving abstract in essence
Was it the love or friendship?

What he knows for sure
He always valued this bond
Even more than his life
Nurtured every possession
Whether material or abstract
And cared for it lifelong…
Realization came much later
He actually thirsted for love
But what he ended with in life
Was nothing but a mirage.

What is left to say more
For some hearts are a desert
One could get lost wandering in
And even die with the thirst…
Having heard it somewhere
That love is nothing
But a friendship set on fire
Who will know it more than him
Who put his soul on this fire.

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