Another beautiful evening is to close by
Mighty Sun has gone down to the horizon
Twinkling stars are appearing in the sky
Yet with no sign of yours getting home
I am still longing for a glimpse of you.
With onset of Autumn, climate is changing
The air is slowly getting cold and moist
Deciduous leaves and flowers are withering
Yet with no sign of yours meeting promise
I am still longing for a glimpse of you.
After day long graze and fall of the dusk
Farm cattle are returning to their sheds
Birds too are heading west to their nests
Yet with no sign of your early arrival
I am still longing for a glimpse of you.
Lassitude is taking a toll of body and mind
Life is heading close to final sleep at rest
Lifelong wish to have final supper with you
Yet with no sign of yours getting home
I am still longing for a glimpse of you.
Image Source: Pinterest
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