Poem Fragrant I was too young to understandEver since your fragrancePermeated through each poreMaking fragrant foreverMy entire body and soul… Through the rest of my lifeI never felt an urge or needFor any other natural aromaOr any man-made perfume. 22,885 total views Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh December 17, 2020October 7, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Fragile Beauty As she remained a spinster in lifeNicknamed a beauty queen in townAlways a subject of curiosity and talkEqually among the teachers and studentsFor her beauty, mannerism and attire. Passed school and graduatedIn education and life as wellAfter so many eventful yearsIt was just a sheer chanceWhile sharing reminiscences of pastSomeone said she lives in the […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh December 17, 2020October 7, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Found and Lost Found her in the adolescent ageBut for many errors and folliesHe lost her proximity so soonYears of love, longing, absence and lossIn the passage of time he found her againOnly to lose as promptly yet again. Engrossed in worldly chorus and routineHe lives now life of a virtual recluseAfter day long hard work, at sunsetHe […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh December 17, 2020October 7, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Forlorn Other day I was curiousTo know someone was forlornSince the person was lovelornWhich literally meantThat someone was unhappy,One’s love not reciprocated. And what is more painful?In love, you love someoneAnd not be loved in returnOr you love someoneYet never find courageAnd love remains untold. The saddest thing in life is –You love and adore someoneOne […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh December 17, 2020October 7, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Forever Longing Longed forever during lifeFor your companionshipTo spend days and yearsAnd every passing moment with you. Longed forever during lifeFor the scent of your hairFor the touch of your skinFor the feel of your breathTo share smiles and tears with you. Longed forever during lifeEqually in pleasure or painAnd to have you by my sideIn the […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh December 17, 2020October 7, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem For All Seasons Atmosphere was so sereneWith rainbow colors aroundThe planet looked beautifulAnd celestial bodies livelyI kept smiling now and thenWith no apparent reasonI had lost the timelineIrrespective of the seasonWhen I kept daydreamingWith no sense of timeWhen I remained awakeAll through during the nightOne moment I was happyIn another moment sadSo frequent mood swingRemained enigma for longThen […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh December 17, 2020October 7, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Flaunting In the tinsel town’s glitter and glareShe had arrived to become a starAnd flaunted her body and curvesSo often in bikini and skimpy dresses. She declared her intent umpteen timesOn demand of the story at any timeShe had no reservation or took amissShedding her clothes or giving a kiss. Instead of focusing on hard work […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh December 17, 2020October 7, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem First Shower While the body welcomesArrival of the first showerOf this monsoon seasonWith a refreshing candour My soul still craves forYour company aroundTo share together blissOf this heavenly favour. 22,963 total views Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh December 17, 2020October 7, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem First Love She was beautifulShe was mercifulShe was caringShe was loving. Whenever I was sickShe will get anxiousAnd sit on the bedsideWhole night awake to take care. When I was youngIn all ups and downsShe was always aroundWith her unstinted support. As I grew old in lifeI should have taken careInstead she looked afterAll my needs and […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh December 17, 2020October 7, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem First In First Out It’s so simple and so easyTo be fair and transparentWith the people whom we deal withWhether at home or work, in life… The root cause of problem isUse of too much of our discretionLeading to nepotism and favouritismIn professional and personal life… So often in various walks of lifeThis happens while attending toThe needs of […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh December 17, 2020October 7, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
प्रेमगीत Editor’s Choice यह मात्र एक और हृदयग्राही धुन नहीं हैअपितु मेरे दिल और आत्मा की पुकार हैएक शाश्वत, निर्दोष और निर्मल प्रेम की। यह बस एक और वेदनापूर्ण क्रंदन नहीं हैबल्कि मेरी वास्तविक व्यथा का फ़साना हैजो फ़क़त आपकी विरक्ति से गहराया है। शायद आज इस खालीपन की अनुभूति न होपर किसी दिन आपको अहसास […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 16, 2025January 16, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
ज्वाला हर एक गोधूलि की शुरुआत,शरीर के साथ मेरा मन भीथका और बोझिल सा हो जाता हैफिर हताश मन तरसता रहता हैआपकी मधुर वाणी और निकाय के स्नेहिल और स्निग्ध स्पर्श सुखका एहसास एक बार फिर सेजीवन में पाने और जीने के लिए… मानो गहराती हुई रात कीनीरवता एवं स्तब्धता के बीचभयावह अग्नि की ज्वाला उठी […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 15, 2025January 16, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Sankranti The Makar Sankranti this yearIs more pious and singular event.One of the famous Hindu festivalsDedicated to the solar deity, Surya…Based on the planetary movementsIt’s an instance of transition of SunFrom zodiac Sagittarius to CapricornFrom the south to north hemisphereMarking onset of change in season.The occasion is widely celebratedBy various names in different partsAs new dawn […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 14, 2025January 15, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Fireflies of Memories A bit tiny yet marvellousShimmering white paniclesOf the Rajnigandha blooms…Their candidly sweet fragranceReminds few golden momentsThen my heart over againTurns distraught and restlessYearning those bygone days… During a span of timeLife was so fragrant withThe divine Rajnigandha touchSome sweet Rajnigandha feelingsAnd adorable Rajnigandha momentsInstead more apt to say…Rajnigandha memories and dreams. Like the fireflies glow […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 13, 2025January 13, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
शिशिर स्पंदन घर के बाहर लान कीहरी-भरी मखमली घास परचमकीली गुनगुनी धूप मेंपसंदीदा आरामकुर्सी परदोनों आँखें बंद, चंचल मनकिसी की मधुर यादों में खोयावह चिंतन में तल्लीन है… शिशिर ऋतु के मौसम मेंसाल के इस सबसे ठंडे दिनजीवन के इस पड़ाव परकाश इस नर्म गुनगुनी धूप सेइतर ये दिन और ज्यादासुखद, सेहतमंद एवं सुंदरललित और मनभावन होते..! […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 11, 2025January 11, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
प्रेमगीत Editor’s Choice यह मात्र एक और हृदयग्राही धुन नहीं हैअपितु मेरे दिल और आत्मा की पुकार हैएक शाश्वत, निर्दोष और निर्मल प्रेम की। यह बस एक और वेदनापूर्ण क्रंदन नहीं हैबल्कि मेरी वास्तविक व्यथा का फ़साना हैजो फ़क़त आपकी विरक्ति से गहराया है। शायद आज इस खालीपन की अनुभूति न होपर किसी दिन आपको अहसास […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 16, 2025January 16, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
ज्वाला हर एक गोधूलि की शुरुआत,शरीर के साथ मेरा मन भीथका और बोझिल सा हो जाता हैफिर हताश मन तरसता रहता हैआपकी मधुर वाणी और निकाय के स्नेहिल और स्निग्ध स्पर्श सुखका एहसास एक बार फिर सेजीवन में पाने और जीने के लिए… मानो गहराती हुई रात कीनीरवता एवं स्तब्धता के बीचभयावह अग्नि की ज्वाला उठी […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 15, 2025January 16, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Sankranti The Makar Sankranti this yearIs more pious and singular event.One of the famous Hindu festivalsDedicated to the solar deity, Surya…Based on the planetary movementsIt’s an instance of transition of SunFrom zodiac Sagittarius to CapricornFrom the south to north hemisphereMarking onset of change in season.The occasion is widely celebratedBy various names in different partsAs new dawn […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 14, 2025January 15, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
आस सूख चुके हैं प्रेमपात्र सब, मदिरा की गागर दे दो भूल चुका हूँ कौन कौन है, विस्मृति का आश्रय दे दो. ईश्वर सबकुछ भूल गया है, कृष्ण नही अब रथ पर हैंसत्य-प्रेम की राहों पर हम, फिर भी काँटे पथ पर हैं. जीवन बंधा-बंधा सा क्यों है, हाहाकार मचा यह क्यों है मानव संबंधों के तलतम में, यह भूकंपी […] Written by Santosh K Nema May 15, 2022November 18, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
आत्मिक लाख समझाने पर भी नहीं समझता आईना मेरा अंदर की टूटती नसें भी उकेर दीं बनाकर उसने दरकती लकीरें वो जो बैठे हैं गहरे दिल में मेरे आईना मेरा उन्हें भी हूबहू दिखाता है. कैसे छिपाऊँ दर्दे-दिल को सामने जब बैरी-मितवा हो ऐसा चुप हूँ मैं, चुप हैं वो, मंजर है खामोशी का यह कैसा. दिल की जिद है रग-रग में […] Written by Santosh K Nema April 19, 2022April 19, 2022 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Rajnigandha Touch Now I get tired too soonSo I’m afraid of going farBut all this does not meanI’ve abandoned walks forever… And yes, I often feel lonelyEven amongst my own peopleBut all this does not meanI have stopped caring for all… I often remember our friendshipI still care for our relationshipBut how much I do,I have stopped […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh November 16, 2020October 6, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Greed For Power Among all temptations in life of a man, perhaps the greed for power is the strongest one. The obvious reasons appear to be that when one is empowered, all other luxuries and antiquities of life automatically fall in line. Hence it is not surprising that people craving for the power adopt and exploit all overt […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh November 7, 2020September 26, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked