My Humming Word

Editor’s Choice

What could be more brutal
Than liquidating before
A life has opportunity
To be born?

Prevailing social evils…
Female infanticide was so common
Now feticide is a major menace
Misuse of medical advancements
For prenatal sex determination
Continue to remain main cause
For abortion of female fetuses
In urban and rural masses.

What adds insult to injury!
The ironical social ethos…
Daughters are seen to cause
Social and economic burden
While the son is perceived
As security for the old age
Besides performing rites and rituals
Of deceased parents and ancestors,
Contrary to the fact
That daughters are more caring
During life and old age.

Strict laws and penalties…
Deterrents are in place
Yet remain mostly unimplemented
To punish, check or discourage
Obnoxious and abhorrent practice.

The adverse gender ratio
With dwindling female populace
We are doomed to self destruct
Unless the ordinary citizen
Vows and volunteers
To curb and curtail feticide
In support for the cause.

Image (c) GettyImages

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