Poem AI Anchor Sana Invention of the silicon microchipDuring the twentieth centuryRevolutionized electronic industryAnd advent of artificial intelligenceIs now taking the human civilizationTo a miraculous yet frightening level… For now, if we ignore the flip side of itIn the social, electronic and print mediaWe have AI anchors like the Indian SanaSo suave, polite, calm and articulated…For many real-life anchors […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh July 30, 2023July 31, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Admiration Editor’s Choice Be it his attireBe it his etiquetteBe it his dispositionThe all-inclusive demeanor… What a pristine charmerWith persona peerless ever…He invokes the subtle feelingsOf a true crème de la crème! 14,905 total views, 4 views today Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh June 25, 2023July 8, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Narcissist Editor’s Choice(Revised on 28 December 2023) In a long journey of life, I have seen peopleWho are never tired of an incessantly talkingIn an effort to gain a limelight for themselvesBY inflating their few petty accomplishments,Purposely even taking credit for others’ work,Ignoring feelings of friends and acquaintances… As such a narcissistic behaviour in relationshipsIs not […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh May 20, 2021December 27, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem You You are no more aroundYou are no more in lifeIt was after losing youRealization came in my life You touched my heartYou touched my soulYou changed my lifeAnd all my goals. 22,786 total views, 12 views today Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh December 24, 2020October 9, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Smile A smile for a flash of secondsheld during the photo sessioncaptures a blissful image worthkeeping all time in remembrance. So imagine with a little effortwhat a cheerful gesture can do –Miracle by reviving persona and lifenot only for self but for many others. 23,191 total views, 8 views today Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh December 22, 2020October 9, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem She She was a fairy beauty in her body and soulWho took away my heart, breath and soulLike an angel she was gorgeous and kindDaffodils and lilies bloomed as she smiled. In the panorama of life she was such a dear friendWithout her around I even find breathing so hardHer thoughts and memories remained so endearingFor […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh December 22, 2020October 9, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Sense of Humour He is the CEO of a companyQuite fond of cracking jokesAmong his colleagues and friendsThe act serves as a morale boosterFor his inflated ego gets satisfiedWhen people around laugh out loud. It was a shocker when I told himThat he would never really knowIf he had any sense of humourBecause the people around himHave no […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh December 22, 2020October 9, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Reality Vs Delusion Paul Watzlawick said it onceThe beliefThat one’s own view of realityIs the only reality,Is the most dangerousOf all delusions… When I see this man talkingIn a politically charged tenorThat demonetization and GSTTo curb black money in circulationAnd initiative for on-going tax reformsHave ruined the economy of the countryAnd the ease of doing business… As an […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh December 22, 2020October 8, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Now and Then One folly he committedDuring his adolescent daysThe impact and fallout was so graveThat changed the entire panorama of life…And he continued to regretAnd remorse for the rest of life. An era has passed ever sinceWhen caught in a similar situationWhere at stake was someone else’s lifeNo less dearer than his own lifeBut this time he […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh December 22, 2020October 8, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Maturity What is Maturity?We listen and talk about itWe tend to agree and disagreeBut do we really understand it? I do not even know how toReally interpret or define itBut I can shareWhat I have learned about it… So to my understandingMaturity is when a personTries to violate or hurt youBut you in a tit for […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh December 21, 2020October 8, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
प्रेमगीत Editor’s Choice यह मात्र एक और हृदयग्राही धुन नहीं हैअपितु मेरे दिल और आत्मा की पुकार हैएक शाश्वत, निर्दोष और निर्मल प्रेम की। यह बस एक और वेदनापूर्ण क्रंदन नहीं हैबल्कि मेरी वास्तविक व्यथा का फ़साना हैजो फ़क़त आपकी विरक्ति से गहराया है। शायद आज इस खालीपन की अनुभूति न होपर किसी दिन आपको अहसास […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 16, 2025January 16, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
ज्वाला हर एक गोधूलि की शुरुआत,शरीर के साथ मेरा मन भीथका और बोझिल सा हो जाता हैफिर हताश मन तरसता रहता हैआपकी मधुर वाणी और निकाय के स्नेहिल और स्निग्ध स्पर्श सुखका एहसास एक बार फिर सेजीवन में पाने और जीने के लिए… मानो गहराती हुई रात कीनीरवता एवं स्तब्धता के बीचभयावह अग्नि की ज्वाला उठी […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 15, 2025January 16, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Sankranti The Makar Sankranti this yearIs more pious and singular event.One of the famous Hindu festivalsDedicated to the solar deity, Surya…Based on the planetary movementsIt’s an instance of transition of SunFrom zodiac Sagittarius to CapricornFrom the south to north hemisphereMarking onset of change in season.The occasion is widely celebratedBy various names in different partsAs new dawn […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 14, 2025January 15, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Fireflies of Memories A bit tiny yet marvellousShimmering white paniclesOf the Rajnigandha blooms…Their candidly sweet fragranceReminds few golden momentsThen my heart over againTurns distraught and restlessYearning those bygone days… During a span of timeLife was so fragrant withThe divine Rajnigandha touchSome sweet Rajnigandha feelingsAnd adorable Rajnigandha momentsInstead more apt to say…Rajnigandha memories and dreams. Like the fireflies glow […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 13, 2025January 13, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
शिशिर स्पंदन घर के बाहर लान कीहरी-भरी मखमली घास परचमकीली गुनगुनी धूप मेंपसंदीदा आरामकुर्सी परदोनों आँखें बंद, चंचल मनकिसी की मधुर यादों में खोयावह चिंतन में तल्लीन है… शिशिर ऋतु के मौसम मेंसाल के इस सबसे ठंडे दिनजीवन के इस पड़ाव परकाश इस नर्म गुनगुनी धूप सेइतर ये दिन और ज्यादासुखद, सेहतमंद एवं सुंदरललित और मनभावन होते..! […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 11, 2025January 11, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
प्रेमगीत Editor’s Choice यह मात्र एक और हृदयग्राही धुन नहीं हैअपितु मेरे दिल और आत्मा की पुकार हैएक शाश्वत, निर्दोष और निर्मल प्रेम की। यह बस एक और वेदनापूर्ण क्रंदन नहीं हैबल्कि मेरी वास्तविक व्यथा का फ़साना हैजो फ़क़त आपकी विरक्ति से गहराया है। शायद आज इस खालीपन की अनुभूति न होपर किसी दिन आपको अहसास […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 16, 2025January 16, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
ज्वाला हर एक गोधूलि की शुरुआत,शरीर के साथ मेरा मन भीथका और बोझिल सा हो जाता हैफिर हताश मन तरसता रहता हैआपकी मधुर वाणी और निकाय के स्नेहिल और स्निग्ध स्पर्श सुखका एहसास एक बार फिर सेजीवन में पाने और जीने के लिए… मानो गहराती हुई रात कीनीरवता एवं स्तब्धता के बीचभयावह अग्नि की ज्वाला उठी […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 15, 2025January 16, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Sankranti The Makar Sankranti this yearIs more pious and singular event.One of the famous Hindu festivalsDedicated to the solar deity, Surya…Based on the planetary movementsIt’s an instance of transition of SunFrom zodiac Sagittarius to CapricornFrom the south to north hemisphereMarking onset of change in season.The occasion is widely celebratedBy various names in different partsAs new dawn […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 14, 2025January 15, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
आस सूख चुके हैं प्रेमपात्र सब, मदिरा की गागर दे दो भूल चुका हूँ कौन कौन है, विस्मृति का आश्रय दे दो. ईश्वर सबकुछ भूल गया है, कृष्ण नही अब रथ पर हैंसत्य-प्रेम की राहों पर हम, फिर भी काँटे पथ पर हैं. जीवन बंधा-बंधा सा क्यों है, हाहाकार मचा यह क्यों है मानव संबंधों के तलतम में, यह भूकंपी […] Written by Santosh K Nema May 15, 2022November 18, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
आत्मिक लाख समझाने पर भी नहीं समझता आईना मेरा अंदर की टूटती नसें भी उकेर दीं बनाकर उसने दरकती लकीरें वो जो बैठे हैं गहरे दिल में मेरे आईना मेरा उन्हें भी हूबहू दिखाता है. कैसे छिपाऊँ दर्दे-दिल को सामने जब बैरी-मितवा हो ऐसा चुप हूँ मैं, चुप हैं वो, मंजर है खामोशी का यह कैसा. दिल की जिद है रग-रग में […] Written by Santosh K Nema April 19, 2022April 19, 2022 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
समय मेरा समय चुप है अपनी निष्ठुरता लिए बदल रहा है निरंतर. तुम समय हो मेरे समय जिसने प्यार दिया अनंत डुबोकर किया एकाकार खुशियों से अमृत सुख की स्मृतियों से साँस साँस में चलती अनवरत सामीप्य की अव्यक्त अनुभूतियों से. समय मेरा दूर असंबद्ध सा अबदर्शक सा बन बदल रहा है सहारे तन के मन के तुझसे जो बंधे थे अडिग अटूट […] Written by Santosh K Nema March 3, 2022March 5, 2022 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Rajnigandha Touch Now I get tired too soonSo I’m afraid of going farBut all this does not meanI’ve abandoned walks forever… And yes, I often feel lonelyEven amongst my own peopleBut all this does not meanI have stopped caring for all… I often remember our friendshipI still care for our relationshipBut how much I do,I have stopped […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh November 16, 2020October 6, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked