My Humming Word


  1. Poem
Neither any reasoningNor any excusesCould heal the hurtWhen I forgot to greet my daughterOn her last birthday. Besides our physical presenceA phone call, SMS or cardA gift or bouquet of flowersOn auspicious occasions of loved onesBrings synergy of minds and hearts. Remembrance preserves our pastLeads to celebration of the presentCarries bonhomie into the futureBeyond the […]
  1. Poem
When your memories hauntWhen body and soul are languidAnd I feel depressed and sad… When your utterances chaseWhen ghosts of the past houndAnd I feel lonely and detached… Then elegant Rajnigandha flowersWith subtle and sublime fragranceStand close as if you are in vicinityInspiring optimism, trust and solace Image (c) jaipalsingh  21,793 total views,  12 views today

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