My Humming Word


  1. Poem
Editor’s Choice एक और खूबसूरत शाम ढलने को हैसूरज छितिज़ से नीचे कब का जा चुका हैझिलमिल करते तारे आकाश में आच्छादित हैंपर हृदय में तुम्हारी वापसी की आशा संजोयेतुम्हारी मात्र एक झलक की चाहत लिए मन अशांत और व्याकुल है. शरद ऋतु के आगाज के साथ-साथ अब मौसम भी करवट बदलने लगा हैहवा में ठंडक […]
  1. Poem
On those cold wintry morningsWhile cuddled in my comfy reclinerUnder the bright and warm sunshineBeguiled and lost in your pious reverieNostalgia of shared yesteryears’ memoriesOften sweeps over my thoughts and senses. The eyes shut yet mind goes meanderingYour awesome persona with twinkling eyesYour fairy charm with elegant angelic auraOur one last rendezvous, short yet affableThen […]
  1. Poem
Editor’s Choice Those days ofRomantic grandeurFun and laughterFolly and frenzyHope and despairAnd midst of all thisEver growing affectionAmity and sublime loveIn two teenage hearts… Where have goneall mesmerizing days?It has been a lifespanDecades have passedBut he still pines for herIn a frail and fragile heartThe sweet and sour talksMemories and momentsWith what all was lost. […]
  1. Poem
As if it has not been agesBut occurred only the other dayIt’s a beautiful evening, andShe is smiling and wavingWith her familiar gestures –So gorgeous and captivatingAdding curiosity and confusionTo already perplexed mindOf the teenager friend. And by the momentThe realization comesShe is already vanishedAnd gone far awayNever to return again…This is what the life […]

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