Poem Vagabond Since time immemorialA restless vagabond roamsAcross the continentsFrom city to countrysideScaling hills and mountainsPaddling through rivers and lakesTrekking in deserts and wildernessAnd sailing on the high seas… An eternal search forSelf-contentment and peace –Will this ever end? image (c) jaipalsingh 23,342 total views, 4 views today Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh December 23, 2020October 9, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Union Dreams andrealities aretwo parallel lineswhich never meet;Like earthand skyappear to meetat the horizonbut actuallynever meet. Some pursuea cherished dreamas most valuedsought after goalonly to turna mirage later;Yet universe isis infinite, andfull of possibilitiesand miraclesdo occur. An optimist I amso I nurturea hope, a will –sacred and sublime;Eternity shall uniteyou and me,me and yousometime, somewherein cosmos,never […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh December 23, 2020October 9, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Till We Die The days and yearsOf our livesAre passing awaySlowly but surely… So let’s tryTo make ourselvesBetter each momentTill we die. 23,046 total views Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh December 23, 2020October 9, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem The Living Fossil It didn’t happenIn a single momentA day or monthInstead he fossilizedIn the aftermathOver the yearsAtom by atomMolecule by moleculeAnd particle by particleHis body and mindHardened like a stone. Other than his dutyOther than his work,Be it a friendship or enemityBe it a success or failureBe it a joy or painNothing really attractsNothing really distractsHe is […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh December 23, 2020October 9, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Tasteless Fruits Success eluded himWhen he needed it mostAnd was pursuing itLike someone in loveFollows his beloved… Success crowned himWhen the chief reasonWhy he had sought itNo longer existed in sightTo rejoice with… So now for himSuccess and failureRemain like tasteless fruitsAnd neither of the twoOverwhelm nor enthuse. 23,244 total views Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh December 23, 2020October 9, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Sometimes I Wish Sometimes I wishIf I could go back to my childhoodNot so much keen to be a child yet againBut to relish my blissful mother’s lap again… Sometimes I wishIf I could become a teenager once moreNot to stay away from responsibilitiesBut to relive life’s best moments yet again… Sometimes I wishIf I could revisit my […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh December 23, 2020October 9, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Something Amiss A blank cornerIn my life’s albumWith something amissStill laughs at me… My life spansOn such a big canvasIf something is amiss –How does it matter? But sometimes in lifeEven one soul’s absenceLeaves such a vacuumThat it cannot be filledWith the arrival and stayOf thousands of persons… 22,884 total views, 4 views today Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh December 23, 2020October 9, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Quest for Life If life was a journeyI would have exploredSeven continents and seasHad you been my co-travellerThrough endless space and time. If life was a song of loveI would have createdA million tunes of sublime loveHad you been on my sideLike Sita was for Rama. If life was a great battleI would have conquered itIn the world […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh December 22, 2020October 8, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Penance Few forgotten memories and talesHaunt in a flashback again and againOverwhelm whenever find him aloneAnd then he is in a state of the blues. Few old photographs and lettersFaded and pale over passing yearsOften broods in a fond remembranceAnd then he is in a state of the blues. Few spoken and unspoken thingsNever ending regrets […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh December 22, 2020October 8, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Poem Newly Born A newly born babyWhether of a human beingOr of an animal or birdIs so cute and captivating… It speaks a volume of lifeA Symbol of optimism and hopeBut at the same timeIt’s so vulnerable and delicateNeeds constant care and attentionNourishment and protection… Else it withers and diesThe way millions still dyingIn the third world countriesOf diseases and […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh December 22, 2020October 8, 2021 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
प्रेमगीत Editor’s Choice यह मात्र एक और हृदयग्राही धुन नहीं हैअपितु मेरे दिल और आत्मा की पुकार हैएक शाश्वत, निर्दोष और निर्मल प्रेम की। यह बस एक और वेदनापूर्ण क्रंदन नहीं हैबल्कि मेरी वास्तविक व्यथा का फ़साना हैजो फ़क़त आपकी विरक्ति से गहराया है। शायद आज इस खालीपन की अनुभूति न होपर किसी दिन आपको अहसास […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 16, 2025January 16, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
ज्वाला हर एक गोधूलि की शुरुआत,शरीर के साथ मेरा मन भीथका और बोझिल सा हो जाता हैफिर हताश मन तरसता रहता हैआपकी मधुर वाणी और निकाय के स्नेहिल और स्निग्ध स्पर्श सुखका एहसास एक बार फिर सेजीवन में पाने और जीने के लिए… मानो गहराती हुई रात कीनीरवता एवं स्तब्धता के बीचभयावह अग्नि की ज्वाला उठी […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 15, 2025January 16, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Sankranti The Makar Sankranti this yearIs more pious and singular event.One of the famous Hindu festivalsDedicated to the solar deity, Surya…Based on the planetary movementsIt’s an instance of transition of SunFrom zodiac Sagittarius to CapricornFrom the south to north hemisphereMarking onset of change in season.The occasion is widely celebratedBy various names in different partsAs new dawn […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 14, 2025January 15, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Fireflies of Memories A bit tiny yet marvellousShimmering white paniclesOf the Rajnigandha blooms…Their candidly sweet fragranceReminds few golden momentsThen my heart over againTurns distraught and restlessYearning those bygone days… During a span of timeLife was so fragrant withThe divine Rajnigandha touchSome sweet Rajnigandha feelingsAnd adorable Rajnigandha momentsInstead more apt to say…Rajnigandha memories and dreams. Like the fireflies glow […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 13, 2025January 13, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
शिशिर स्पंदन घर के बाहर लान कीहरी-भरी मखमली घास परचमकीली गुनगुनी धूप मेंपसंदीदा आरामकुर्सी परदोनों आँखें बंद, चंचल मनकिसी की मधुर यादों में खोयावह चिंतन में तल्लीन है… शिशिर ऋतु के मौसम मेंसाल के इस सबसे ठंडे दिनजीवन के इस पड़ाव परकाश इस नर्म गुनगुनी धूप सेइतर ये दिन और ज्यादासुखद, सेहतमंद एवं सुंदरललित और मनभावन होते..! […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 11, 2025January 11, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
प्रेमगीत Editor’s Choice यह मात्र एक और हृदयग्राही धुन नहीं हैअपितु मेरे दिल और आत्मा की पुकार हैएक शाश्वत, निर्दोष और निर्मल प्रेम की। यह बस एक और वेदनापूर्ण क्रंदन नहीं हैबल्कि मेरी वास्तविक व्यथा का फ़साना हैजो फ़क़त आपकी विरक्ति से गहराया है। शायद आज इस खालीपन की अनुभूति न होपर किसी दिन आपको अहसास […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 16, 2025January 16, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
ज्वाला हर एक गोधूलि की शुरुआत,शरीर के साथ मेरा मन भीथका और बोझिल सा हो जाता हैफिर हताश मन तरसता रहता हैआपकी मधुर वाणी और निकाय के स्नेहिल और स्निग्ध स्पर्श सुखका एहसास एक बार फिर सेजीवन में पाने और जीने के लिए… मानो गहराती हुई रात कीनीरवता एवं स्तब्धता के बीचभयावह अग्नि की ज्वाला उठी […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 15, 2025January 16, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Sankranti The Makar Sankranti this yearIs more pious and singular event.One of the famous Hindu festivalsDedicated to the solar deity, Surya…Based on the planetary movementsIt’s an instance of transition of SunFrom zodiac Sagittarius to CapricornFrom the south to north hemisphereMarking onset of change in season.The occasion is widely celebratedBy various names in different partsAs new dawn […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh January 14, 2025January 15, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Hindu, Hinduism and Hindustan: Part LXXV Pilgrimage-I Nearly all communities and religions in the world attach significance to places which have some connection with any worldly or supernatural act(s) or event(s) of the divine (God) or His messenger(s); the birth, enlightenment or death of founder and saints; sites of the spiritual calling or awakening; supposedly a dwelling or living place of […] Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh October 31, 2022November 17, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
आस सूख चुके हैं प्रेमपात्र सब, मदिरा की गागर दे दो भूल चुका हूँ कौन कौन है, विस्मृति का आश्रय दे दो. ईश्वर सबकुछ भूल गया है, कृष्ण नही अब रथ पर हैंसत्य-प्रेम की राहों पर हम, फिर भी काँटे पथ पर हैं. जीवन बंधा-बंधा सा क्यों है, हाहाकार मचा यह क्यों है मानव संबंधों के तलतम में, यह भूकंपी […] Written by Santosh K Nema May 15, 2022November 18, 2023 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
समय मेरा समय चुप है अपनी निष्ठुरता लिए बदल रहा है निरंतर. तुम समय हो मेरे समय जिसने प्यार दिया अनंत डुबोकर किया एकाकार खुशियों से अमृत सुख की स्मृतियों से साँस साँस में चलती अनवरत सामीप्य की अव्यक्त अनुभूतियों से. समय मेरा दूर असंबद्ध सा अबदर्शक सा बन बदल रहा है सहारे तन के मन के तुझसे जो बंधे थे अडिग अटूट […] Written by Santosh K Nema March 3, 2022March 5, 2022 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Whose God is This Anyway? God (Brahman) is the highest... Written by Dr. Jaipal Singh February 24, 2021March 11, 2025 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked