My Humming Word


detailed evaluation of any event or subject

  1. Article
Ever since Taliban took over the country on 15 August 2021 from the US backed Afghan leadership which was not willing to stand with people during crisis and fled from Afghanistan as also the military which lacked motivation to fight with fellow Talibanis despite being well equipped with superior training, arms and ammunition, very disturbing […]
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Ever since the United States made their intention clear about withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan by certain date after handing over command and control to Afghanis, the politicians, strategists and even common men have been watching developments in the country with concern across the world. While conflicting versions were coming from the war-torn country […]
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Age of Communal Riots and Massacres We can see from the previous episode that every Islamic invader, irrespective of their origin of Arab, Turkish, Mongol or Turco-Mongol descent, indulged in a large scale violence, loot, killings, conversion, enslavement of women and children, and direct attack on the Indian Sanatana culture and religion of the sub-continent […]
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The press and electronic media are often addressed together as the Fourth Estate in the democratic countries because of its explicit and implicit potential and capacity to put forth issues before masses in a forceful manner as also its ability to frame strong public opinion about the subject particularly in the social and political matters. […]
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Islamic Invasion and Rule Continued from Part I   While different civilizations evolved in various parts of the world with the human beings coming together for the community living, this led to constant civilizational conflicts too for supremacy of territorial, cultural and religious reasons, or even for the sheer personal greed of the kings, community leaders […]
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Advent of Christianity in India Since ancient age and till about the beginning of the last millennium, India was variously recognized as Bharatvarsha, Jambudvipa, Aryavarta, or just as Bharat, and the culture and religion of the country was better known as Sanatana Dharma and the people as Sanatana Dharmese. There are reasonable evidences to believe […]
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In a free and democratic society, every individual has liberty to express views that inter alia include criticism of the programmes and policies of the government and there is no second opinion about this concept. Ever since Covid-19 pandemic overtook the community of nations under its malevolent grip in the 2020, this author has seen […]
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In the previous piece “International Media Blitz and Yellow Journalism in Covid Times”, this author had analyzed with relevant data and evidence how nearly every country in the world but more particularly the US and other developed and affluent countries of the Western Europe had experienced shortages and mismanagement of critical supplies of essential medicines, […]
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In the earlier article about certain unusual and strange facts globally observed relating to the pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China, this author observed that the most other countries in the world have unitedly faced challenges posed by the deadly virus but for India it was a different story with a […]

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प्रतिवर्ष दशानन दहन किया, मन के रावण का नाश नहीं,अगनित सीता अपहृत होती, निज मर्यादा का भास नहीं।हम एक जलाते दशकंधर, शत दशकंधर पैदा होते,करते जो दहन मन का रावण, हर गली में रावण न होते। इस शक्ति पर्व का हेतु है क्या, है ब्यर्थ दिखावे की शक्ती,निर्बल को संबल दे न सके, अन्याय से […]


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