My Humming Word


  1. Article
Santosha (Contentment) In this materialistic world, everyone talks about the happiness as the penultimate goal of life and people chase power, money, possessions, partner, love, travel, and what not, to achieve this goal. They perceive and seek happiness in incessantly indulging and experiencing in activities for pleasurable experiences through their sense organs. This quest of […]
  1. Article
Nationalism and Freedom of Expression are valued concepts in the democratic nations of the world but, at the same time, they are so often misinterpreted and abused in the context of the Indian polity and society. Ordinarily, the nationalism is taken as a politico-social and economic system promoting the interests of any sovereign country free […]
  1. Article
Khalistan: Recapitulating Gory Past The ideology of Khalistan i.e. land of the Khalsa is based on the thesis of a separate homeland for Sikhs by establishing a sovereign state for them. When the leaders of the Indian National Congress started freedom struggle with the demand of Purna Swaraj (self-rule or total independence) from 1930 onwards […]
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(Revised on 27 December 2023) Some time back, an accomplished professional with illustrious career in the World Bank/other institutions in the past and now the Managing Director and CEO of Invest India, Deepak Bagla, while addressing an elite audience of professionals, businessmen and industry made certain observations about the recent progress and success story of […]
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With several fateful events of both the national and international importance occurring almost simultaneously as also the euphoria generated on the eve of the Republic Day celebration during the first year of Amrit Kall so named by Prime Minister Narendra Modi led Union Government, an important news about the occurrence in the President House at […]

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प्रतिवर्ष दशानन दहन किया, मन के रावण का नाश नहीं,अगनित सीता अपहृत होती, निज मर्यादा का भास नहीं।हम एक जलाते दशकंधर, शत दशकंधर पैदा होते,करते जो दहन मन का रावण, हर गली में रावण न होते। इस शक्ति पर्व का हेतु है क्या, है ब्यर्थ दिखावे की शक्ती,निर्बल को संबल दे न सके, अन्याय से […]


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