My Humming Word


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Conceptually, the secularism insinuates equal treatment of all religions in India without endorsing or giving preferential treatment to any one by the state. For many years after independence in 1947, the successive governments endorsed the aforesaid concept largely driven by the needs and compulsions of two dominant communities in the nation i.e. Hindus and Muslims, […]
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In a surprise move, the United States ordered People’s Republic of China (PRC) on 21 July 2020 to close its consulate office in Houston, Texas within 72 hours with the State Department clarifying that the step was taken in order to protect American intellectual property. In its initial and immediate response, China’s foreign ministry spokesman […]
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Only last week, this author had mentioned about the deceptive nature of the Chinese leadership that often surprises neighbours with its unexpected and unpredictable moves to gain upper hand in the bilateral matters of concern. There is yet another saying about the Chinese establishment, they seldom do what they say; and what they do, they […]
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Way back I had learnt somewhere that communists seldom follow the universally defined ethical and moral values and norms; instead, they evolve own set of principles best suited to their needs. According to many communist writers and think tanks, the goal of communism is to create a stateless and classless society. In the modern times, […]
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Dragon is presumably a large, serpentine creature that appears in the legends and folklore of many cultures worldwide. Traditionally, dragons in the western cultures are mostly depicted as winged, horned, four-legged and capable of breathing fire, while they are shown wingless, four-legged, and serpentine with above-average intelligence in eastern cultures often linked with rains and […]
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Notwithstanding remarkable developments and achievements of the mankind to revolutionized medical sciences and information technology, one tiny virus has proved in a short span how frangible is the life and economy of the world for a comfortable modern living of the human race. Stunned by the Covid-19 disease, the world fraternity is still debating whether […]
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Who would ever imagine that a world war could be fought even without engaging enemy forces and firing a single bullet but then the Covid-19 disease currently gripping the entire globe potentially encompasses all crucial elements of global war sans use of gunpowder and other military paraphernalia. The last global war was fought militarily from […]

Good Reads



Pilgrimage-I Nearly all communities and religions in the world attach significance to places which have some connection with any worldly or supernatural act(s) or event(s) of the divine (God) or His messenger(s); the birth, enlightenment or death of founder and saints; sites of the spiritual calling or awakening; supposedly a dwelling or living place of […]
सूख चुके हैं प्रेमपात्र सब, मदिरा की गागर दे दो भूल चुका हूँ कौन कौन है, विस्मृति का आश्रय दे दो. ईश्वर सबकुछ भूल गया है, कृष्ण नही अब रथ पर हैंसत्य-प्रेम की राहों पर हम, फिर भी काँटे पथ पर हैं. जीवन बंधा-बंधा सा क्यों है, हाहाकार मचा यह क्यों है मानव संबंधों के तलतम  में, यह भूकंपी […]
समय चुप है अपनी निष्ठुरता लिए बदल रहा है निरंतर. तुम समय हो मेरे समय जिसने प्यार दिया अनंत डुबोकर किया एकाकार खुशियों से अमृत सुख की स्मृतियों से साँस साँस में चलती अनवरत सामीप्य की अव्यक्त अनुभूतियों से.     समय मेरा दूर असंबद्ध सा अबदर्शक सा बन बदल रहा है     सहारे तन के मन के     तुझसे जो बंधे थे अडिग अटूट  […]


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