My Humming Word

Year: 2020

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“Religion is the opium of the people” is a famous quote by the nineteenth century German philosopher and economist Karl Marx in 1843, which appears so true even in the context of some people and religion even in the modern age scientific innovations and information technological revolution. Probably he made this statement following his belief […]
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While analyzing Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA) and its implications in an earlier piece, apprehensions on the National Register of Citizens (NRC) that it will deprive Indian Muslims of their citizenship and they will be sent to Detention Camps were also clarified. It is perhaps the biggest untruth and misinformation on NRC that some manipulative politicians […]
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When the country was divided on the basis of two-nation theory in 1947, the newly created nation under the Muslim League had chosen to be identified as an Islamic Republic of Pakistan while the leaders of the Indian National Congress opted to pursue the destiny of the remaining (British) India as a “Sovereign Democratic Republic” […]
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The ongoing conundrum and unrest in various parts of the country opposing the Citizenship Amendment Act of 2019 is undoubtedly an opposition parties’ staged stratagem and ploy so that an embarrassed and harassed federal government is forced to withdraw the legislation. The most unacceptable and unforgivable part of the unrest is the use of students […]
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Continued from Previous Page The disputed site at Ayodhya posed a syncretic blend and medley of faiths simultaneously representing Hindu and Muslim beliefs, customs and practices. At the time of demolition in December 1992, the disputed mosque clearly had both Hindu and Muslim elements of evidentiary values embodying recognizable features of a temple as well […]
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Continued from Previous Page While delivering the historical judgment on the Ram Janmbhumi – Babri Masjid dispute on 9 November 2019, the Supreme Court observed that Hindus got the disputed site in Ayodhya for the construction of Ram temple because they made a better case by producing evidence, which was better than that furnished by […]
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Saturday, the 9th November 2019 will certainly be remembered as a historical event in India owing to the Supreme Court judgment on the “Title Suit” of Ram Janmbhumi* – Babri Masjid dispute (also referred as Ayodhya dispute) pending in various courts for the last seventy years. The judgment is unique too for two reasons: First, […]

Good Reads

सपने आते हैं मुझे भयावह से डरावने देखता हूँ दृश्य-कल्पित खुली-खुली आँखों से सूखे-सूखे रूखे-रूखे विशाल जंगल मुरझाए वृक्षों पर अधचिपकी सी खुरदुरी छाल ठूंठ-मूक खड़े अकेले झुंड में बिन बहार स्थिर स्पंदनहीन विवश सहने नियति के प्रहार.  देखे हैं मैंने जहाँ होते थे कभी जीवन से भरे रंग-बिरंगे हरे-हरे झूमते-नाचते लहलहाते-खिलखिलाते गीत गाते खुशबू बिखराते झुंड वृक्षों के गूँथे हुए सामीप्य के चुंबन में बतियाते-टकराते आपस […]
दरिया बीच एक दिन, सहसा उठा चक्रवात।जो थे मझधार मौजों पे, उन्हें न लगा आघात।।जो खड़े साहिल पे थे, डूबे मस्ती में दिन रात।पल में प्रलय होने लगा, डूबने लगे हाथो हाथ।। जो चल रहे थे वो बच गए, कुशल रास्ता खोकर।जो खड़े थे वो फना हो गए, खड़े ही खाकर ठोकर ।।जो मझधार में […]


सपने आते हैं मुझे भयावह से डरावने देखता हूँ दृश्य-कल्पित खुली-खुली आँखों से सूखे-सूखे रूखे-रूखे विशाल जंगल मुरझाए वृक्षों पर अधचिपकी सी खुरदुरी छाल ठूंठ-मूक खड़े अकेले झुंड में बिन बहार स्थिर स्पंदनहीन विवश सहने नियति के प्रहार.  देखे हैं मैंने जहाँ होते थे कभी जीवन से भरे रंग-बिरंगे हरे-हरे झूमते-नाचते लहलहाते-खिलखिलाते गीत गाते खुशबू बिखराते झुंड वृक्षों के गूँथे हुए सामीप्य के चुंबन में बतियाते-टकराते आपस […]


प्रतिवर्ष दशानन दहन किया, मन के रावण का नाश नहीं,अगनित सीता अपहृत होती, निज मर्यादा का भास नहीं।हम एक जलाते दशकंधर, शत दशकंधर पैदा होते,करते जो दहन मन का रावण, हर गली में रावण न होते। इस शक्ति पर्व का हेतु है क्या, है ब्यर्थ दिखावे की शक्ती,निर्बल को संबल दे न सके, अन्याय से […]


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